How To Get Through The Depression Phase This Fall
Mental Health,  Wellness

How To Get Through The Depression Phase This Fall

This article is all about ways to get through the depression phase this fall season

The fall season is finally here and my depression phase is on the rise. Lol, I’m seeming to laugh about it now, but these past few days have been a trainwreck for my mind. Not only that, this month has totally messed with my head. And not for the good to say the least. I’ve been thinking so negatively and been totally uninteresting in the things I love to do the most. Not feeling like going to work or doing anything at all…. Yes, the list goes on and on and on.

Even though my mind is super cluttered and I’m not feeling my best self, there are a few things I have been doing these past few days to get me through the coming fall months!!! And they have helped, as they say, big things take time. So, I am starting off with baby steps to get to where I want to be in terms of my mental framework and all.

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking has actually helped me a lot these days. When it comes to me, I am not all that optimistic or hopeful, my overthinking and over worrying nature kinda doesn’t let me be that way. But, these days, all I have been doing is thinking positive and NOT thinking the worst!!! It’s hard when your brain doesn’t naturally do that, but with my anxiety building up and me feeling depressed even worse, I thought what harm could it possibly do?

Because fall is here, I am trying to take that into something positive and not dwell on all the negative that I could possibly think of. This in return has helped me out a ton. So, the technique is super simple. Before going to sleep, I’ll rest my head, close my eyes and just think about all the positive things that have happened. Be it for that day, week or month. Also, I will also think about what I want and think about achieving that… but positively.

Start Focusing On Working Out

Where I live, summertime is just non-stop heat and sweat. Which is annoying. But now, the fall is here and working out is more fun. During the fall day, my friends and I go for a walk at lunchtime after eating. Just to roam around and get some clear air. I’ve been really focusing on working out, and actually enjoying it too.

I’m not a workout fanatic or even close to the healthy eating mindset. But these days, I have been more focused in the gym and trying my best to keep my junk food obsession to a minimum. Also, I have a friend’s wedding in December, so I want to look nice too. Bonus!!

Rethinking The Way Of Relaxing

There’s a lot going on these days and most of the time, I am not having the time. See what I did there? Lol. But it’s true, most of the time I am either busy doing something or busy thinking about the next thing I have to do. Which is real unhealthy. But, ever since my depression started to get the best of me, I have been rethinking the way of relaxation.

Right now, my routine is super simple when I get home. I’ll take a shower to rinse of the sweat, and just lay down and close my eyes. Not listening to anything or doing anything either. Just time for myself. And it has actually helped me process my emotion and get out of my depression phase. Getting depressed and feeling down is normal in these autumn months but it doesn’t mean that it should be that way. Just rethink the way of relaxation and close your eyes to the chaos around. Trust me, it’ll help a lot. 😊

A New Hobby To Enjoy

In these fall season months, it is time to enjoy. What I have been doing lately is developing a new hobby, which is also helping to craft my skills. I’m mostly just enhancing my creativity, writing more, designing cards and really focusing on my own self and my own brand. I know, that not entirely a way to destress from the stress, but it’s super fun. I’m learning something new each time and getting to watch my writing resonate with you guys.

Okay so here is a hobby that doesn’t let stress happen; eating!!!! I love food and food loves me. So, I have actually made a pact to myself that I will try new restaurants each month, something I’ve wanted to do forever. I normally get stuck in a rut and just go to the same old place, but not this time. I am actually going to a restaurant on Saturday to try out their food, and I’ll post some real cute pictures as well…. ❤️

Connect To The World And Its Beauty

How To Get Through The Depression Phase This Fall

The autumn colors are so enjoyable, and connecting to nature is even more wonderful at this time of year. The world is beautiful, but through this depression phase, it doesn’t seem so. It can get draining and tiring and exhausting and the list can go on for days. (But let’s not focus on that shall we).

Instead, lets all be super excited that happy autumn season has finally arrived and connecting to the world is even greater this time. More positive, more energetic and more serious about my career and life. Hence, me making the right moves. Lol, I hope so at least 😊.

Laugh More, Enjoy More And Stress Less

As time goes on, I have realised that there is no point in being serious all the time. I mean, people often times think I am unprofessional at work because I am always happy, laughing and enjoying the most. Laughing is naturally a mood booster and the more you enjoy the smallest things, the less of a depression phase will hit. All in all, it is a winning situation. OH! And also, let those people call me unprofessional, at least I know what I want to do with my life and I’m enjoying each stage, thoroughly!!!

Dear Misfits

I know this time of year can get difficult. Not only does the depression phase hit hard, but it comes out of nowhere. I mean just the other week I was feeling ok but these past few days have been so rough, and I honestly can’t explain why. But that does not mean I am going to let my ever-changing moods or depression phase ruin the beauty of fall season.

Life is hard and the older we get; it doesn’t get easier. Plus, if you top the feeling of being alienated, not understood or an all-around misfit, well things are just not great. But we need to make them great again. If no one understands you, so be it. If no one loves your goofy, quirky and kiddy side, let them. At the end, you have to do what is best for your mental health and your mindset. No one else’s at all!!

Let’s love the fall season and enjoy the autumnal weather and autumnal colours with joy! I love us some beautiful autumn words to carry us forward through the season and here is one of them.

“Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.”

Lots of love!

Confused Misfit

This article is all about ways to get through the depression phase this fall season


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