How To Admit You’re Overwhelm at Work
This article is all about being overwhelm at work and how to feel less stressed about it
I know first-hand about feeling overwhelmed at work and what it can do to your mental peace. Trust me, it’s not easy. But knowing the signs and admitting to yourself that you’re feeling overwhelmed is the number one step. I used to feel it all the time. Now not so much because I’ve found a few ways in which the overwhelming and burdening feeling has calmed down.
It’s been a tough ride, to be honest, but I found a few tips and tricks along the way that have helped me out so so much!!
1. Acknowledge Why You Feel Overwhelmed at Work
First and foremost, and probably the most important step. Acknowledging why you feel burdened at work. I know this is the first thing that most of us don’t want to face. I always felt overwhelmed because I was doing way too much and not getting appreciated enough for it. Not even a simple thank you lol.
Feeling stressed happens. It is the most natural thing. But it can also lead to feelings of not being good enough or stressing it even more. When I am stressed, I get snappy. Not a good thing to do, especially taking out all your frustration on the people you love so much! Acknowledge why you feel so overwhelmed and what to do about it. one of the reasons (among several lol) was that I am always doing something I don’t wanna do, just for the sake of it. Now, even though I am still working in a job that no longer brings me peace or growth, I am working towards much better things (like this blog). And that has slowly started to make me feel internally happy. So acknowledging the things that make you feel overwhelmed at work is the first step in sorting it out!! 😊
2. Don’t Be Busy All The Time
You don’t always have to be busy or be doing something. I have learnt that the hard way. Before, I never took even a single moment to myself and kept on working. Just to prove a point to be honest. But in the end, that never led to anything positive. I never got appreciated and I never felt internally satisfied either.
Instead of being “busy” all the time, try to be productive. That will help to change your perspective on everything you do. Because of this, at one point, I had the overwhelmed at work want to quit vibe and was ready to move on so drastically. I hate change so that was mentally draining for me. I just wanted to find anything that could get rid of the overwhelmed and not being satisfied feeling, but in the long term, that wasn’t good for me either. So instead, I focused and am focusing all my energy on this blog, growing my Instagram and finding a much better job that suits me for the long run!
3. Stop Saying Yes To Things You Can’t Do
We all do it right? We all say yes to the stuff we have no clue about doing. Being overwhelmed at work is no joke and the main reason is saying yes to everything and anything that comes your way. I am such an overachiever, I will take on any project even though most of the time, I have no clue what to do. But that comes down to my negative productive anxiety and makes the overwhelming sensation even more terrible than it is.
It is okay to not say yes to everything and it is also totally fine to not know how to do stuff. In my current job, I took on too many roles. I was managing all their social media accounts, alongside writing content, getting graphics made and doing support for their clients. All in all, it got way too much to handle and I always felt overwhelmed. I was doing more hours than my actual shift and I was mentally drained. Then came a time when I realized that I would have to pick one role. So, I left all the others that no longer served me and I felt a sense of relief immediately.
There are many things in life we all want to do and achieve. But for most of the things, we can’t. So instead of saying yes to everything that comes our way, focus on one thing at a time. It’ll help get rid of that overwhelming negative sensation.
4. Focus On What Is Important
Overwhelming stress at work happens when you don’t know what is more important. I am known for this, I always take on so much and don’t really know what’s going to benefit me the most. I have my hand in so many pies that in the end, everything gets ruined. But, slowly with me getting older and having more common sense (common sense is not so common lol), I am prioritizing what is more important and focusing wholeheartedly on that.
For me, that means making this blog really work and hopefully (fingers crossed) building a community and revenue stream from here. Changing apartments in a nicer area and earning more money this year than ever before. Yes, I have been working for three years, but I have never felt satisfied. To me, working for myself has been one of my major goals. But I always had the excuse of not having enough time. Now I don’t have that excuse because I have eliminated all the unnecessary things I used to do and I am choosing to focus on what is important for my future.
5. Take Worthy Breaks Without Explanation

I am such a big believer that the more breaks you take, the better your productivity will be. I work in an environment where breaks are not supported (it sounds awful but it is really true). However for me, I work best when my mind has been relaxed – even if that is for five minutes. I take breaks throughout the day and don’t even explain why because I know that my breaks are worth it. If I am not productive, I won’t work well. And if I am, I will excel and do the work to the best of my abilities without feeling overwhelm at work!!!
So, take breaks often. Make sure your mind is stimulated and ensure that with each break, your mind will be more productive. I know it works for me and I am sure it’ll work for you too! 😊
6. Do Something You Enjoy
When you’re completely overwhelmed at work you don’t want to do anything. Because you’re stressed anyway. But instead of stressing about being stressed, why not do something you enjoy? I love designing posts and graphics. My favourite tool to use is Canva. I’m such a big believer that the more positivity and the more positive energy you put in, the more you will gain. So for me, I love designing cards – greeting cards, birthday cards and anything in between lol. I even have my own little card Instagram.
I also love writing, and I am solely focusing on this blog and really trying to scale it to what it can be. Plus, I love reading about business so I am always finding new business ideas and making a plan for the future. These are all the things I love to do and really enjoy spending my time on. Find something that you love and enjoy, instead of stressing about being overwhelm at work!!
7. Use SMART Goals to Achieve Unlimited Happiness
To be honest, I feel overwhelmed at work all the time, and for me, that isn’t a good sign for my mental health. What I have been doing more recently is using the SMART goal system. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound goals have no doubt changed the way I think and what I do.

I am using this system for my blog, for my Instagram and for my overall life. Instead of feeling overwhelm at work and having that not so good enough feeling running through your mind at all times, focus on what you can and break all your goals down. One of my goals is to get 3K followers by February end and I am nearly reaching my goal. Another one is to upload two posts a week and I have been doing that with this technique. SMART goals are really good for being more productive and leaving the overwhelm sensation behind with confidence.
8. Ask For Help When You Need It
I am that person that does everything on their own. I don’t bother to ask for help. Instead, I will cry over something I can’t do and then do it lol. But still, asking for help is such a good thing. For me, it is scary. Giving up that control and asking someone to do something that I can’t do. But slowly I have learnt that being a one-woman show doesn’t do good.
Now, I ask for help (even though I still solve it on my own lol). I make sure to ask about stuff I have no clue about and I make sure to ask for help when I actually need it. it was scary at first, but now, I am doing it more. Not only has this taken the burden of being perfect all the time off my shoulders. But I am also not that much overwhelm at work and really have the mental relaxation that I never had before this!
Dear Misfits
I know how hard it can be to feel overwhelmed. It is also scary. Especially when you’re the person doing everything and anything. People rely on you and you have the feeling to never let anyone down. But you have to think about yourself and your own needs. Instead of feeling overwhelm at work and burdened, you should feel relieved and stress-free.
Slow and steady steps towards a better life are needed to make you happy. Internal peace and satisfaction are not given to you. Instead, you have to make it on your own. Keep on being strong. And keep on being happy. Focus on your goals and overcome the feeling of stress and anxiety.
Lots of love
This article was all about being overwhelm at work and how to deal with it