How To Up Your Self Confidence Game For Better Mental Peace
This post is all about building confidence within yourself for better mental peace 😊
Is it just me or does it seem like confidence isn’t something you’re born with? I hate the concept of if you have confidence, you have it, otherwise, you don’t.
I wasn’t born with confidence even though the women in my family are super super confident. It was more about learning it over time and making sure that with each day, I’m building and training my mind on how to be more confident.
Every day I work on my self-esteem and make sure to speak up for what I want and believe in. But that doesn’t define how confident you are as a person. It’s just one part of the bigger game – at least for me, it is!!
Stop with the body checks
I’ve always been on the bigger side. Never had the perfect inch waist or those toned legs you see everywhere. And to some extent, that has actually been a big part of losing my confidence growing up. With me getting older, I have literally started to fall in love with how I look and dress according to that.
I would love for me to one day rock a sleeveless look, but right now, I am not that confident. (See, confidence doesn’t mean you have to have self-confidence in every aspect of your life)!
I used to weigh myself every day or take a measuring tape and cry if those inches haven’t dropped around my waist (I look back and now think that what in the world was I doing)!
Not weighing myself has taken some time, but I finally have gotten to the level of being comfortable in my own skin and loving the way I look (regardless of other people’s opinions).
Think Positively
Easier said than done right? This year has changed my entire mindset on life. I’m more confident than before and more positive than ever. I recently made a vision board for the New Year that has all of my goals and dreams displayed. Super into manifestation this year and it is amazingly working!! Yay me!!
I am talking more positively about my life and really imagining where I want to be by the end of this year. I’m making sure that I am focusing on changing for the better and taking this blog super duper seriously (about time lol).
I am doing a lot of positive self-talk and it is paying off big time. To have the ultimate confidence within yourself, you need your self-worth and self-image to be better than before.
This time around, I have a clear vision of where I want to be. Low self-esteem is mainly from toxic energy and negative talk. It is super easy to be surrounded by negative people and cutting them out of your life is an integral part of having the confidence you crave!
Stop comparing yourself to others

Self-esteem is more than just how you look or what you’ve achieved. Other people and their lives look so interesting (until you step into their shoes of course)!
I love building confidence every day and that means learning from others and their mistakes. Not to be jealous of how their life is. But to be more conscious about my own. I know my own goals and dreams. And each day I am working towards them – super proud about that lol!
Say out your affirmations
I am such a huge believer in what you put out in the universe you get back. Self-love affirmations are such a confidence boost and can help with building great high self-esteem.
I wrote an entire post about daily affirmations to say out loud to building self-esteem and make sure you are putting out the most positive version of yourself. I am super into manifesting my dreams by constantly saying them out loud (sometimes it’s a bit too much lol). But I absolutely love it!
Keep on improving
The one thing I am constantly doing on a daily basis is improving what I already have and working on making more for myself. I want to become financially free and super independent.
And for me, that means really focusing on my goals and achieving them.
Building self-confidence comes from within and I believe on the more you improve yourself, the more confidence within is ensured at all times.
Working on your goals and dreams makes you feel better about yourself anyway. When I am really drained out and don’t even have the energy to get out of bed (yes that is totally normal), it is more that my confidence game isn’t working.
But when I am constantly improving my life and working to achieve the things I want, I am more productive and happier than normal. (I’m known to be the bubbly one among all my friends)!
Get shit done

Get stuff done. Stop putting it off, because then, it won’t happen in a million years. Trust me on this, I know too well. To improve self-esteem, you should improve your surroundings and get the stuff done that needs to be done. Instead of putting everything off and then having it pile on your head. Which makes me feel worse and worse each time. Just do it and feel proud about it afterwards. It is such a huge relief when everything is done on time.
Never let anyone define you
The reason why I used to lack confidence is that I used to let everyone around me define who I was. I used to always be doing stuff for other people to like me. And slowly, I realized that other people’s opinions do not matter. What matters is how you feel and what you want in life.
Self-belief is such a huge factor in helping boosting the confidence within yourself! Now, I never let anyone define my worth or make me feel like I am not important or not worth the time. And you should do the same. Be confident in yourself when talking about your goals – no matter how small they may be.
Dear Misfits
I have been where you are. I have had the worst of days and the most beautiful ones too. There are times when my low self-worth hits a million times worse. But I pick myself right back up and keep moving with my head held high.
I know that if I don’t keep building the confidence within myself, I won’t be able to achieve what I have set out. Working on myself every single day has helped me be the best version of myself and I know it will be for you guys too.
Keep thriving and keep pushing forward. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. You are amazing!
Love you loads
This post was all about boosting the confidence within yourself