How To Reset Your Mind This Spooky Season
This article is all about how to reset your mind this spooky season
Resetting your mind is no doubt the best way to relax and think clearer. But I also know how hard it can be to actually reset your mind this spooky season. With Halloween around the corner and the fall season settling in, it can take time to adjust to all the new. That is why a total mind reset is always a good idea, and I know firsthand how important it can be.
I’m always the one who thinks positive for others, but when it comes to me, I always tend to assume the worst. Not only that, due to the weather change and the summer going, I get down with depression most of the time. That’s why a total mind reset is actually needed. To help refresh and reset your energy and align yourself with your goals and dreams, especially this fall.
Reset Your Atmosphere
Adjusting to fall shouldn’t be a burden. In fact, you should actually enjoy it. I know that when I start to actually enjoy my atmosphere, that’s when my mind works best for me (and not against me… 😐).
A total change of atmosphere and surroundings can do anyone good, especially when you are already wanting a change of vibe. So, reset your mindset with the smallest of changes. Change up your atmosphere by getting into the fall season with well-lit candles, fall decorations and a cozy home!! 😊 a dream come true!
Reset Your Mind
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. If you think positively, only then, you will have the life you dream of. A total mind reset in this case is needed, especially for me, who puts so much energy into overcomplicating every damn thing!!

To reset your mind and body it only takes a few small changes a day. Meditation is one of the best things, a few deep breathing exercises can help you get through the day. I mean I suffer with some anxiety and I have notices, that as the season is changing, my anxiety is also becoming more and more. So, the best thing I’m trying to do is be patient with myself and reset my mind and way of thinking. Not let things get piled on so bad where I feel the weight I’m getting crushed over (I know, a bit too sad) but still, a total mind and body reset is actually the best thing you can do!! 😊
Be Patient with Yourself
The October spooky season is right around the corner and the main thing to do is be patient with yourself. I know everyone will be looking forward to the partying, Halloween costumes and the best drinking games they can possibly be thinking of. But that doesn’t have to be you! Be patient with yourself if you are not in the mood to party or celebrate the spooky season in its finest hour. You don’t have to be and that is totally normal.
Not everyone will be thinking about the next party to go to, I know I’m not. I would rather focus on something that will make me more happier and to be very honest, just be in bed watching a Halloween movie or the Vampire Diaries on repeat. So, take the time out to relax and be patient, all things will work out in this changing of seasons.
Dear Misfits
My sweet misfits, I understand how hard it can be when the weather changes and the seasons are coming to a close. I mean at the end of it, its spooky season for everyone. But we all process it differently. Not only that, we tend to make ourselves think that we should be enjoying the Halloween time and partying non-stop. That is definitely not the case!
Take your time and reset your mind. Allow yourself to process every emotion and go through each phase with a fresh and clear mindset. No doubt, it might be hard to cope when you see everyone enjoying. But at the end, you will get through it. Until then, be true to who you are and make the most of the reset and rejuvenate idea and get your spooky season on full drive – however that looks for you.
Confused Misfit
This article is all about how to reset your mind this spooky season