These Self-Care Tips for Valentine’s Day for Singles
This article is all about the best self-care tips for valentine’s day for singles
Being single on valentine’s day is no easy thing to do. I mean it’s tough anyway when you see couples roaming around and sharing the love you wish you had. But, being alone for valentine’s day is even harder. Those super cute romantic ideas you have in your mind and watching others doing is always the hardest. Especially when love-heart chocolates, roses and other romantic stuff are being given to loved ones. I mean from my perspective; it is the worst feeling.
I know I’m a little early for valentine’s day but the time gearing up towards this love-packed day can be even harder. Just because you’re single does not mean you should be spending valentine day alone. Instead of feeling sad and down with the thought you don’t have that special someone, treat yourself and give yourself the love you always deserve. 😊. I know I’m about to on this valentine day!!!!
Self-care isn’t just about staying in and pampering yourself with oils and masks, it is more than that. It’s about giving yourself the love you crave from others, going out and enjoying yourself and your own time. Don’t feel as if valentine’s day is for couples only because it is not! Valentine’s day for singles is one heck of an amazing thing to enjoy and below I have listed what to do on valentine’s day alone!
Valentine’s Day For Singles Music Playlist
I love romantic music. I’m such a big big fan of romanticizing life. And with music, it is AMAZING! But yeah, put on some really romantic music that you can enjoy and listen to the lyrics. It helps. Trust me. The beat of the music is always such a good thing when you feel down and depressed. Just listen to some of your favourite songs and dance away, forgetting all the negative energy and enjoying your own company. 😊
Eat At Your Favourite Restaurant
I’m a big foodie, a bit too much actually. But instead of planning when you’re going to your favourite local spot for that amazing pasta or pizza, eat on valentine’s day. To make it a day, valentines for singles can be the best opportunity to really get to know yourself and spend some quality time with you. We’re always so into others that we forget what we want and enjoy. When the reality is, the best company you can give yourself is your own time. Go to that restaurant and grab that bit of food that your mouth is craving for right now (I know it is 😉)
Show Some Love in The Kitchen
I’m not really good when it comes to kitchen stuff. I call all kitchen appliances… kitchen equipment lol. But all my friends that are single can cook really well. If you’re one of those people who have a natural gift when it comes to cooking, then show some love in the kitchen department. Bake your favourite chocolate cake, make that recipe you have always wanted to try or even just amp up your cocktail routine. Whatever it is, cooking can help with stress and make anyone’s life easier (unless you’re a disaster at cooking like me lol)!!
Have A Full-on Pampering Routine

When you’re alone on valentine day, it doesn’t mean you have to spend the entire day being sad. It means you can instead, spend the entire day, pampering yourself and treating yourself with love and care. Give yourself a full-on pamper session from head to toe and enjoy every single second of it. I know I will. Take that hot shower and spend extra time. Lather yourself up with those organic oils and creams and really take care of your skin. Valentine’s day for singles is the best opportunity to do this!!!
Plan A Valentine’s Day Date with Your Best Friend
All of my friends are single (well one just got married recently) but most are. And for me, that means spending valentine day with them! If you’re dreading the fact of spending valentine’s day alone, spend it with your bestie (who’s probably in the same situation as you). Quality time with your best friend is no doubt one of the best things that exist. I mean if you want to cry, then at least you both will be crying together lol. Plan an epic date with your bestie and treat each other with love and care. Friends are better than boyfriends and girlfriends because they won’t hurt you as they do. So, cherish the ones you have.
Buy Yourself A Valentine’s Day Gift
Don’t wait for someone to buy you a gift for valentine’s day. Buy it yourself. I mean treating yourself is the best thing and buying yourself flowers, chocolates, jewellery or something you’ve always wanted will make the day extra special. Go out shopping and enjoy every bit of it. when you’re alone on valentine’s day it doesn’t have to be super depressing. It can be enjoyable. I would rather enjoy a day well spent with myself than someone else to be very honest. I love to shop and go out to buy myself some real cute stuff. Try it, buy yourself something and watch how your valentine day turns out to be special and one of the best most likely 😉.
Create A List of Goals and Make A Vision Board

How to spend valentine’s day alone without even having to get out of bed? Do it by creating a list of goals and writing them down. Make a vision board to display as your wallpaper for your laptop or mobile. I recently made my first vision board to use as my phone wallpaper for 2023 and it was one of the best decisions to do. I did it while lying in bed as well!!! Instead of thinking too much about how to spend valentine day alone, start writing down all the things you want to accomplish this year. It will be more satisfying. Trust me 😊.
Binge Watch All Your Valentine’s Day Favourite Movies Possible
I’m not a big movie girl, I’m more into watching seasons. I don’t even like rom-com, to be honest, more action and thriller the better lol. But this day calls for romantic comedy and to be honest, I love Turkish shows more when it comes to romance. I mean they just do it in such a not-so-cheesy way. On valentine day, spend it by watching all your favourite valentine’s day movies and valentine day seasons possible. Make some popcorn, order in some food and comfy up in bed. Put on your favourite show and relax. Laugh, cry, laugh some more. I’ll probably watch FRIENDS because who won’t? Right?!
Dear Misfits
I know firsthand how hard it is going to be spending valentine day alone but there’s nothing that can be done. Unless you end up in a relationship before February 14th lol. But that’s not going to happen for me. So, I will be spending the day with the people that bring me joy, because it is the day of love. The best part of being single for valentine’s day is that I get to spend it with me and really enjoy my own company.
Love you loads and have a happy valentine’s day in advance 😊
This article was all about the best self-care advice for valentine’s day for singles