Tips on Enjoying Quiet Time to Yourself at Home This Fall
Mental Health,  Wellness

Tips on Enjoying Quiet Time to Yourself at Home This Fall

This article is all about tips to have quiet time take time out for yourself at home this fall

 With the holiday season approaching and the fall weather looming, it becomes hard to get some quiet moments among the noise. Everyone is preparing for Halloween or gathering around to do some kind of fall activity that they can possibly think of. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take time for yourself and have some exceptional quiet time alone at home this fall.

I know as everyone is super excited abut the changing season, I am particularly feeling a bit gloomy. Emotions are getting the better of me and for some odd reason, I’m not enjoying the fall or any activity these days. It just is getting a bit too much and this is why I know that I need some quiet time to myself.

So, what is quiet time? For me, it is just spending time with myself and tap into my emotions. Get to the bottom of my feelings and asking myself some questions to why I am feeling so down, alone or even depressed. Helping me to reassess the situation and just taking the time out to pamper myself and enjoy my own presence. We’re all busy and surrounded by a lot of people. So, it does make sense where we don’t find the time to spend with ourselves. Hence, us feeling overwhelmed and burdened with a lot of emotions.

1.    Communicate With Yourself

Communication is key and it helps a lot (truly it does). But, sometimes, we tend to forget to communicate with ourselves and just focus on other people. Communicate with those around you that you need sometime to yourself, need sometime to process all the emotions and that once you are ready, you’ll be right as range!!! 😊

Tips on Enjoying Quiet Time to Yourself at Home This Fall

Communication doesn’t always have to mean talking. I mean, I love a good old chat with myself and sometimes, I do it in public (yes, I forget that other people are around). But you don’t always have to speak. It could even mean that you just sit on your couch and enjoy the quiet moments that you have with yourself. This actually does help to just process everything and sometimes, a good old-fashioned cry session does us all a whole lot of gooood 😊😊.

2.    Do Something Intentional

We’re all doing something for someone, or most of the times, we’re just too busy to even process what the hell we’re doing. Instead of just going about everything as the way it should be. Do something super intentional. This doesn’t mean doing chores around the house and acknowledging your doing them (trust me, without even wanting to know we’re doing work, we know it!!!)

Instead, it means find time for yourself and do that intentionally. If that means going to the gym and really focusing on your goals or just taking a small stroll around your area, but making time to reconnect with yourself. Listen to your favourite podcast or read a book. Chapter. By. Chapter. It works wonders for the mind and helps to actually believe that you’re doing something for yourself. Giving you an instant mood boost and helping with closing out the noise.

3.    Start Saying No

Honestly, this one is a bit hard for me to do. I can’t say no to people. Be it the people I love about or just some random person who is asking me for help. I can’t say no. I want to learn to say no though. Life always is getting a bit too much for everyone and the more we say yes to everything, the more unfair we become to ourselves.

The yesses keep pilling on and the stress builds and builds and builds. And next thing you know, you’re eating a tub of ice cream and on the couch crying your eyes out.

You’re allowed to say no to the things you don’t want to do. To the people who don’t bring you any joy. Or even value that you took time out of your day just to help them. For me, saying no isn’t about me not wanting to help. It’s more about me allow to take time to heal. And you should take time to heal yourself as well. Better sooner than later babe!!!

4.    Create A Routine and Stick By It

One of the best ways to take time for yourself is by creating a morning routine and sticking to it. Life gets in the way and there are a lot of daily things to keep doing, you know, just to keep doing the daily life. But creating a morning and evening routine and actually sticking by it is the best way to keep yourself healthy, productive and actually have some quiet alone time for yourself!!

Don’t let life get in the way!

Dear Misfits

I know a little bit too much about just wanting to spend some alone with yourself. I for one, love talking to people and listening to their lives, but sometimes it gets a bit too much. What I end up doing is going into a recluse mode and just shutting out everyone I love. (Which is sooo unhealthy btw).

What I have started to do is ask for some quiet time alone, especially in this season and the fall time, where life piles on a bit too much. Enjoy a few books, watch a favourite movie or tv season and listen to some songs that help to decompress from reality. These days, I have been watching funny tv seasons that actually make me laugh. Although they’re in Turkish and I have to read the subtitles (I might write about my favourite Turkish dramas sometime 😉).

Alone time works wonders and helps us misfits feel less alienated and be able to just zone in and be ourselves, 24/7!!

This article was about enjoying quiet time to yourself at home this fall


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