How To Have The Lucky Girl Syndrome in 2023
Want to be that lucky girl who always has everything go right for her? Find out what the lucky girl syndrome is in this article!
I know first-hand what it is like to be surrounded by lucky girls who have everything go right for them. Lol. It is amazing to watch though tbh. But I do understand that not every one of us feels that lucky. I mean we can’t always have everything go right for us or everything to happen in the way we planned. Or can we? To be honest, a lot of the time, the lucky girl syndrome isn’t about luck. It is more about what we put out and what we believe in.
Like us right now, If we think negatively, in the end, negative stuff will happen. And if we think positively, in the end, positive stuff will happen. It’s the way the universe works. The more good you do and put out, the better you’ll be!
Understanding The Lucky Girl Syndrome
Do you always know that person who has everything go right for them? Maybe it’s your friend. Or a friend of a friend? The girl who never has anything to complain about. The girl who finds money everywhere she walks and lands that dream job right out of college? Yeah, I know, it gets frustrating. Especially when you have to work your ass off to get where you are.
But the lucky girl syndrome isn’t about that, isn’t about luck. Or being lucky. Most of the time, we see it as that but the reality is, they manifest and dream about everything they get. That is where the law of assumption comes into play. I for one never used to believe in it (well not as much as my mum lol). I never really understood how everything could go right or be okay with just the thought of it. But then again, we are always so negative about foreign ideas, aren’t we?
It is about the fact that the more positive energy and vibes you put out, the better you’ll get in return. It’s the power of imagination. Everything comes into existence with our imagination, and by imagining what you want and really believing in it… it works!
How To Be That Lucky Girl
Being that lucky girl is one of the main focus points of this year. I really am manifesting my dream life, and slowly but surely, it is working out for me. So, for me, manifesting isn’t about breathing or doing some sort of ritual. It is more in dreaming non-stop about who I want to be and where I want to be. Now, I’m not manifesting that I want a Ferrari this week. I am manifesting more smaller goals that I know I can achieve. Which I think is working out for me lol.
Practice What You Preach
Practicing what you preach is an essential and integral part of our day-to-day lives. We always are so motivational when it comes to others, but for us, nope nothing. We tend to think negatively. I was more of that person last year than I am now to be honest. I am trying (very very very hard) to be more positive and have that positive energy surrounding me. Vizualize being lucky and visualize luck at all times.
Do Things That Are Lucky
Now I know this sounds weird but it is trueee. I always have wanted to change my job and when I sent out my CV, I used to get called to interviews but never went. One of my friends told me that you should always go to interviews. It’s a learning experience. Now, the other day I went to an interview and it turned out well. I put myself in that lucky girl syndrome position and took the leap (no matter the fact that I didn’t want to go lol) I pushed myself. Even with this blog. I’ve had it for a few years now and never focused on it. Now I am. And I am building a community of people. The same goes for my Instagram. So, to have the lucky girl syndrome put yourself in lucky positions and do things that are lucky to get more and always be happy.
Say Things Out Loud
We always want more. But do we ever say what we want? I never used to. And I know that people around me never do or did as well. I always wanted more money from my current job but never asked. Well, the other day I did. (Just waiting for a response lol). I am saying things out loud that I want and want to achieve in life. Saying the things out loud that I want has made such an impact on my life that I cannot even explain. Positive affirmations are the main thing that’ll turn you, me and everyone into the lucky girl and have the lucky girl syndrome.
Dear Misfits
I know how hard it can be surrounded by those people who have the lucky girl syndrome all the damn time. That is why being one of those people is in demand. Give yourself the viral affirmation that you deserve to turn your life around.
From now on, to turn your life around, make sure to be in those “lucky” situations and be that lucky girl at all times. I know that we all want things that we think are too bold for us. When the reality is, they are not. I love the manifestation process of all of this and watching my dreams turn into reality. To be honest, it has made me a more positive person in general as well.
Let’s all be that lucky girl in 2023!!
Lots of love
This article was all about how to have the lucky girl syndrome in 2023
