How To Reach Your Full Potential
This article is all about the ways to reach your full potential
We’re always in a rush, time flies away and we somehow, seem to be always lost of it – time anyway. Lol. But it’s true, and then we don’t have the time, energy or anything else to focus on us. The way to reach your full potential is from within when you are giving yourself enough time, and energy and maximizing your life quality by doing the things you love the most.
I know first-hand how not focusing on yourself can lead to some dark thoughts and misery to be very honest. Reaching your full potential isn’t always about what will happen next or the task you have to complete to feel whole. It is more about how you are from within, what you are focusing on and how you choose to live your life. What you’re prioritizing will not define who you are, but it will help get to the person you want to become.
Have a Fixed Mindset
Unlocking your full potential will mean having a fixed mindset. It is about believing in yourself more than you know, even at times when you don’t want to. I know that for the past few years now, I haven’t been believing in myself and my own capabilities. I’ve always thought about others, believed in them and got hurt in the process. Something I have really had to think about was how do I reach my full potential.
You know how, by believing in who I am and what I bring to the table. And so can you guys toooo!!! 😊 Have the mindset to really know who you are, really believe in what you are capable of doing and never differ from that, no matter how many people tell you otherwise. Start by taking small steps, work on yourself, read books and do things you are good at and love. Only then you will fall in love with yourself!
Focus and Grow
Our brains are an extremely amazing and scary thing. We always have that belief that we can’t do as much as others or just aren’t good enough – I always tend to think in that way! It is wrong, I know, but it is true. And we are all here, to be honest about our thoughts and who we are.
One of the main things that has helped me in believing in myself and reaching my full potential is ignoring self-doubt and really focusing on myself as a person. And you can do this by unlocking your brain’s full potential! It is a magnificent way in making you feel whole, making you feel loved by you and really know your own value! Just focus on your dreams, turn them into a reality and grow with each mistake that you make. Learn and keep learning some more and do your best to grow with each mistake and grow past each mistake as well. THAT IS IMPORTANT! 😊
Replace Negative Energy with Positivity

Reaching your full potential isn’t always about working towards your goals, it is about thinking positively and replacing negative energy to bring better vibes and auras into your life. I do understand that it can be hard, especially when you have been thinking so negatively for years. But small decisions lead to bigger results.
My full potential plan for the upcoming New Year is about giving myself the energy I deserve and really cutting out toxic vibes and energy that brings me down. I want to be surrounded by positive people, by those who bring the best out in me, not those who suck all of my energy – it is draining. And by doing that, I will be also working on my goals and towards the life, I want to live. Which is to be financially free and independent. To do that and reach my full potential, I have to be selfish and really just see what aligns with me and my mental health. Anything that does not serve me, I will no longer waste my time on.
Take Small Steps Instead of Big Leaps

While I really love thinking about all the things I want to achieve and imagining myself once I have reached my goals – manifestation baby, I do believe in taking smaller steps. Now, we all aren’t going to buy a house, or car and have hundreds of pets around us by not working towards that… right or right???
So, living your full potential life means taking action and making smaller steps toward your goals to actually achieve them. Want to be financially free? Start saving every month and not waste money on coffee, or unnecessary items and don’t overshop. Want to be independent? Do things that scare you and take risks, make sure to surround yourself with good intentional people and change up your environment. These small steps will lead you to your goals and make sure you reach your full potential. Instead of leaping, small steps are more accurate and you’ll actually enjoy the process as well!!!
Change Up Your Environment
Your full potential isn’t always about you – it can be about the environment you surround yourself in. So, for me, I really used to love going to work and seeing my colleagues, but now it’s sort of draining me out. I don’t feel satisfied and I don’t feel like I am learning anything new. I want a change and for me to do that, I need to switch up my job.
Changing your environment is so necessary to actually know what your full potential is. I have only realised that I have just scratched the surface of the skills that I have and want to learn more. So, for me to do that, I need to be in an environment that satisfies me. I want to earn more money and learn new things, grow and succeed. Hence, me changing up my work life, environment and possibly changing my group of people.
Practice Makes You Perfect
We can all preach how to reach your full potential. But how many actually practice it? how many of you are actively making life improvements to better your life and achieve your goals?
So, instead of preaching, reading and absorbing all the info – start doing it instead!
Achieving your full potential will only happen when you start practising and as they say, practice makes perfect. Trial and error is the only way to know what you like to do, how you want to live and where you want to be. There is not one person out there that hasn’t failed at something. But, don’t take it as a failure. Because it is not! Take it as a practice run.
To achieve something better you have to let go of something that is not fulfilling enough.
For me, that is starting something new. Before growing my confusedmisfit Instagram account, I had another one I tried to grow. But it never worked out because I didn’t know how to grow it and never really focused on it as much. Now, my confusedmisfit account has grown and keeps on growing, which has made me realize that sometimes, stuff doesn’t work out and that is okay as well.
Don’t Hold on To the Past
A lot of my friends don’t make any New Year resolutions. It is not really a tradition in my culture. But in my family, we all do. One of my goals is to let go of the past. Holding onto the past has really held me back in the majority of things. I have tended not to do stuff out of the fear of failure and out of the fear of “what if”!
This year, I will be reaching my full potential by letting go of what doesn’t serve me or bring me joy. By doing that, I have lifted the fear of failure that has weighed me down and really just focused on myself and the things I wanna do in life. And I am sure that if you guys let go of the past, nothing can stop you from reaching your full potential and living your best life possible. 😊 😊
Dear Misfits
I always like to add a personal note at the bottom of my post, just to connect with you guys on a much deeper level. I know it is hard trying to live your life and focus on yourself – when all you have done is focus on others your entire being of existence. But you can!
Realizing my full potential hasn’t just come to be overnight. It was a slow journey and still is to be very very honest. Sometimes I have really bad doubts about myself and am scared that I will not be able to change my life and achieve my goals. But guess what, that is totally normal.
You can and will reach your full potential but slow and steady steps will lead to big changes. Focus on yourself with self-care, do the things you love, eat the food that brings you joy and work on yourself each and every day. Slow and steady will lead to the maximum change you always have craved!!!! 😊
Write down all of your goals for the New Year, write down where you wanna be in the next few years and what you want to achieve. Write it all down and start working on it, each and every minute.
Love you guys
Confused Misfit
This article was all about the right ways in reaching your full potential