The Best Ways To Fall Back In Love With Yourself This Fall
Relationships,  Wellness

The Best Ways To Fall Back In Love With Yourself This Fall

This article covers the best ways to fall back in love with yourself this fall

I’m actually started to feel the weather changing, the sun slightly going out and the colder nights hitting me more than usual. It’s refreshing but also it is a bit sad that the year is coming to an end. But what perfect time is this then to fall back in love with yourself.

It’s been a long 9 months, and to be honest, I can’t wait for the new year. New goals, new achievements and a different path. So yeah, I am hopeful. But before the new year, I want you and everyone around (including me) to fall back in love with the idea of loving ourselves first and foremost. So, how do we do that? How do we stop doubting ourselves and love the way we are, entirely? I’ve got some simple steps to follow, I’ll be following them and holding them close to my heart for the upcoming journey that awaits, and I hope you do too… 😊 ❤️

1.    Stop Comparing Yourself

It gets hard, especially when you’re in your 20’s to not compare yourself to those around. But we need to see the value in ourselves and realize that the people we compare ourselves with, live totally different lives. They’re on their own path of success while we are on our own journey towards achieving our goals and doing what we love the most.

To stop comparing yourself with others, the main thing to be doing is to fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself you can possibly be. That’ll help with confidence, self-esteem and give you a boost in your positivity and relieve the unnecessary pressure you put on yourself. It has done with me. There are still a lot of times where I am comparing my life to others and wishing I could be in their shoes, but slowly I have come to realize that my life is exactly that, mine. And I am living it how I should be and I am proud of how far I’ve come. That’s helped me a lot in growing and it will do with you!!

2.    Be Kind To Yourself

The Best Ways To Fall Back In Love With Yourself This Fall

To fall in love with yourself first, is to be kind. I’ve learnt over this past year that me being harsh on myself has done me no good, except lowered my own confidence and self-esteem in front of my own self. Hence, me having more anxiety than I bargained for 😐 which truly sucks.

If you can’t do something or haven’t achieved what you though you would, honestly, it doesn’t matter. There’s plenty of time to go after your goals and I have finally learnt to just be kind to myself when things haven’t exactly worked out. Instead of me telling myself how much a failure I am or why I haven’t been able to achieve something, I’ve started to think about the positive outcome. Maybe it wasn’t meant for me or maybe I will get much better. Being kind doesn’t come naturally, especially when it’s to yourself. Slow and steady progress is the best 😊.

3.    Remember Your Value

For me, it becomes hard to value myself at certain times because I think I don’t deserve it. Which has taught me that instead of me thinking so negatively about myself, I rather just need to process the emotion and heal my way through it. That is the best way to fall in love with healing yourself first!!

Don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t matter and you have no value. For me, that is something I need to work past as my emotions are based on other people and how they are feeling at that time. Which in return makes me feel like I don’t matter and hence, me thinking I don’t have any value. But the first step to actually falling in love with yourself is remembering your value at all times and never sacrificing your happiness for others.

4.    Treat Yourself Often

So, what’s the best way to fall in love? Treating yourself often, obviously!!!! For me, I love to spend on food, going out and trying new and different restaurants and cuisines, or shop…A.LOT! But that’s not all. I really do enjoy spending time with myself and treating myself even to the smallest of things.

I love going to get my eyebrows done or getting waxed, (it’s painful as hell) but I look the after look. These are the things that actually make me excited for the day and look forward to something other than just be sad. So, instead of just focusing on other people and how they treat you, treat yourself often. Fall in love with taking care of your body because at the end of the day, you are the only one that matters the most!!

5.    Live Your Life The Way You Want

The Best Ways To Fall Back In Love With Yourself This Fall

Honestly, the best piece of advice that I can give, is to live your life the way you want. This will definitely help with falling in love with yourself again. We think about others a bit too much or what they’ll say or think, when, we should be thinking about ourselves first and foremost. And yeah, I am guilty of this exact same thing as well. But you know what, now I am starting to put myself first and live my life how I want to live it without thinking about others first. ❤️❤️

Dear Misfits

Yes, I know, falling in love with yourself is hard and sometimes, it often seems impossible. But that’s not the case. The best of ways to fall in love with yourself are the ones that take time out for you and live how you want, instead of just abiding by the rules of others.

My Misfits, fall back in love with yourself to start living and do it from today. We all feel a little lost and a bit unloved sometimes, but that doesn’t mean we should just live without actually living. I know by now that if you base your happiness on someone else and wait to be loved, you’ll never find that internal peace and satisfaction you can get from your own self. So, from today, let’s make a pact. Let’s start living a life that we are proud and do all the things we want to fall back in love.

Send me the things you’re doing to fall back in love @confusedmisfitblog and use the #cmfallingbackinlove and let’s gooooo 😊

This article covers the best ways to fall back in love with yourself this fall


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