Do These 5 Habits To Change Your Life
Want to change your life in simple steps? Do these five habits to change your life this spring season!
I am a huge fan of making goals and resolutions and an action plan to follow. But even though I love making them, I never really followed them. I always was the girl who had these big dreams but was too lazy, to be honest, to do anything to achieve them. But not this time around. I wanted to be different and make sure that I change my habits, life and routine to be more productive and make all of my dreams come true!!
Lol, 2022 was both good and bad, I mean, I don’t miss that 2022 has gone, but I also got to learn a lot and figure so many things out. Even though I promised myself that last year would be amazing, nothing like that happened. Instead, a bulk load of family issues, mental health conditions and general shit took place, lol! But let’s be honest, who has it all perfect and mastered? I mean, I don’t, and I never think I will. But this year, in 2023, I want to change that and really make sure that I am more positive, healthy and emotionally stable, to say the least π
Now I know I haven’t cracked the code of life and mastered every single thing to make sure I am on the right track, but I know what things to do to keep pushing myself and make sure that I will end up achieving my goals and living the life I have always dreamt!
These are the best habits to change your life for a more healthier and happier you!
1. Write down how your feelings!
I’m a super emotional person. I mean slightest things can set me off on the waterworks, lol. But, for me, writing comes in many forms. One of those is writing for this blog and hopefully building a community of people that feel the same way I do. I don’t journal but I do want to make it a habit.
Like writing some morning pages or a few lines before going to bed. I need to build on that habit, to be honest, but I do write poetry. That is a way for me to write down my feelings and turn them into something positive and beautiful at the same time.
I write for this blog at least twice a week, and I want to start doing it more. I really want to push myself because I want to achieve my goals and be financially free. Another part of that is writing for this blog is an escape and turns all of those negative emotions into something positive. And I hope one day I will have the blog I always dream of and imagine – day in and day out (a bit too obsessive, hey, that is me, lol).
2. Always be positive no matter what is happening
One of the best daily habits to change your life that you can possibly do is to be more positive. Say out your affirmations for life. Take back control of your feelings and emotions. Never be negative. Even when things aren’t exactly going to plan.
A lot happens each day, but in the end, we have to maintain our mental health by looking at the positive side. It is so easy to be negative and talk negatively about yourself. But that is harming our mental health way more than you can imagine. One thing to start doing is saying positive affirmations daily and keeping a positive mindset.
As part of my routine, I am always looking at my vision board and making sure I am on track with my goals and life plan and saying my affirmations out loud daily and making sure that no matter what is going on around me, I am trying to be my most positive self. I have an entire post on the affirmations I love – it’ll work wonders for you guys, I’m sure of it!
3. Create a plan and stick to it
As part of my resolutions, I am following my plan and keeping aligned with my goals – constantly. It is so essential to make sure that you have a plan and are ticking off each day your to-do list. Not only is it peace of mind when you’ve accomplished things that you have set out to do, but you really will feel the positive change happening.
Don’t overburden yourself and your to-do list. Make it realistic and make your plan simple and easy to follow. I organize all of my content calendars; to-do lists and life plan in Notion and on Google Sheets.
p.s – I’ll be making them available to download super soon. So stay tuned for that π
4. Spend your time wisely
I’ve been doing this lately and it has changed my life, to be honest. I have started to prioritise my time and revaluate it. Making sure I am not wasting a minute of my day on things that 1) won’t help with my ROI and 2) will benefit me internally, externally and emotionally.
Doing this has made my life more meaningful and I am more positive because I am working on my goals, dreams and life. I abs love it and keep tailoring my day and week to the things I have to do, and the things that’ll lead me to be more happy and healthy. I’ll keep you updated with mini posts about how I spend my day and what useful tips I have to keep ensuring you are on track with every damn thing you have planned.
5. Focus on your life and not others
Most times we tend to focus on what other people are doing and what they have accomplished. But that is not in our control and to be frank, we shouldn’t care. I do highly recommend taking inspiration from people you idolise, but make sure that you’re not obsessing over how much they’ve accomplished (I mean they have worked towards it and really, it doesn’t matter).
You need to make sure that your life is going the way you want and that is what will bring you the most joy. My mood immediately shifts when I focus on the aspects that can be controlled and try to the best of my abilities. I never let anyone else’s success bring me down and neither should you. Always keep aligned with your life and tailor it to how you want to live.
Work your way to success and take inspiration – make a vision board, follow the lucky girl syndrome and manifest everything you want. It will do you, me and all of us in the world of good to keep focusing on what is in our own control and not what we can’t control (family situations, other people’s emotions and opinions, and so much more, haha).
Dear Misfits
I know how hard it can be to incorporate wellness into your life, especially when times get super tough. But guess what, we only have ourselves to rely on (something I have strongly learnt this year). We all need to make sure that we are our own priority and making ourselves happy and healthy should be the focus point in this year and beyond! Do these best daily habits to improve life and watch the positive change happen. I love you! Loads and loads and loads!!! π
This article was all about the best habits to change your life!!!