The Wellness Habit You Need To Start In 2023
This article article is all about the wellness habit you need to start in 2023
I’m a big believer in starting the New Year off with a bang. It’s what I do every single time (ignore the fact that nothing goes as planned…lol. But that’s about to change). I have started to focus on my mind and mental health. Just to really be mentally strong for everything. I mean life is uncertain and I want to be prepared fully emotionally to be able to handle it all. That is why this year my main point is focusing on wellness and really enjoying the process of doing so.
It can get a bit too complicated, to be honest. I mean there are so many wellness trends that are out there and you probably don’t know which trend to hop on. I was the same. Until I realized that not every wellness ritual is meant for me. I have really started to focus on the wellness habit that really aligns with my life and does me some good at least. To be able to change your life, you need to refresh your wellness routine and that is by doing small changes. I mean the bigger the change the better but start off small so you don’t have a mini panic attack in the process!! 😊
Start A Wellness Enhanced Morning Ritual
I’ve been waking up at 5 am recently for work! (I know right, 5 in the bloody morning!! Tell me about it!). but it has been doing me some good. I’m more fresh and more productive and really enjoy spending the entire day being active! I reach work at 7 am and leave by 4 pm. So, I have the whole entire day to just focus on myself. I have also recently launched a mini business about greeting cards. I’m super pumped lol.

But waking up has been amazing and especially I get to fit in everything without being in a rush. My wellness habit in the morning is just to switch off and slowly get ready, focusing on myself and really manifesting my dream life. I’m not on the manifestation trend yet but I’m slowly getting there lol.
One of the morning wellness rituals that I want to start doing is exercising. I suffer from asthma so for me, winter and exercise don’t go well together. But as soon as the weather picks itself right up, I want to start working out and getting my body and mind into shape. (I hope at least). 😉
Find The Right Daily Wellness Rituals To Focus On
For me, the entire day goes by super quickly. Mostly because I am up early and get all my work done before everyone arrives. I have also been focusing on my blog, and really growing my Instagram and Pinterest. But it all can get a bit hectic and stressful, to say the least!
The right daily wellness rituals that I am doing is just at the end of the day, focusing on myself.
Taking time out, and being alone with my mind. It has helped me get through my anxiety and control my negative thinking, to be frank. (Although by the end of the day, I’m so tired that my mind is blank lol). I always think negatively about myself and this year is just about self-love and self-respect. That is the one wellness habit I am really trying to focus on and do right by myself.
Your daily ritual doesn’t have to be like mine. It can be going on a run, taking the dog out for a walk or doing something that gets you super excited. Calm or fun. Wild or relaxed. Whatever your daily wellness ritual looks like, do it. As long as it’s benefiting your mental well-being, all is good 😊.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety To Be More Positive
I stress a lot. And that turns into really bad anxiety. I mean I am super duper confident, but my anxiety levels rise when I stress about the smallest of things. Which doesn’t help! To be more positive, my one goal is to just reduce the unnecessary stress and anxiety levels that have built up over time.
Focusing on myself and saying NO to the things I don’t wanna do has helped a lot. I’ve really taken the expectations off of myself and just learn (and am learning) to love and enjoy every moment. I can’t help the fact that I am such a big pre-planner, that is just who I am. But this time, instead of trying to change that about myself, I am going to learn to grow with it so I can start enjoying my life more!
I love to pre-plan everything so it’s kinda fun as well 😉.
Becoming More of An Individual
I have never really relied on people and I don’t think anyone should. Especially to the extent that you can’t do anything without that specific person. In 2023, I am really going to focus on increasing confidence, self-image, and self-esteem. Not only has this been one of my goals since like… forever, but it is high time for me to start!!!
I’ve got my own blog, launched my greeting card business and want to do so much more. Now is the time to really just increase my confidence, self-image and self-esteem to have the best glow-up, best year and best life possible. It’s one of the main focus points of the year and by the end, I hope I’ll be a much stronger and emotionally connected person. Lol, I know, too much to digest at once 😊.
Emotionally Invested in My Own Wellbeing

My emotions are like rollercoasters. I mean it is too much for the other person to handle. (It has to be because I put this down to being single lol). But yeah, my emotions are never in control, which doesn’t do any good for my mental health. Either I’m not emotionally connected with someone or am too much and I harm my own mental peace.
This 2023 I will be promoting self-compassion and kindness to give myself and to others – instead of being emotionally disconnected or too over-vulnerable. It’s going to be hard, (I know) but it is something that I think we all have to work on.
Change The Small Things First
I am going to start changing the small things first and find the best small ways to improve my life. It’s much overdue at least. The best small ways to improve your life are the ones that you’ll actually love doing and that won’t seem too big or bold at the same time.
- It can be setting out some small goals.
- Working out three times a week
- eating more fruits and vegetables
- cooking at home more
- working fewer hours
- keeping your stress under control.
Whatever it is, the small things always have to come first and only then, the big things will be achieved. Let’s make this new year and this 2023 the best year for us all!! 😊
Find Who I Am and Enjoy Every Moment
I have had the emotion of feeling out of place with friends. Even though now, I have a lot of friends and supportive people around me. But I still feel it at times.
This year, I want to find out who I am as an individual and what I like as a person. This is one of the best wellness practices I can do for my mind and do for 2023 as a wellness habit. Even if you feel disconnected from friends (which everyone does at some point), don’t let that bring negative energy. Instead let it make you stronger and more open to new things, comfortable being alone and growing when other people don’t!
Dear Misfits
I know finding the right wellness habit can be difficult. I mean it’s daunting, especially when you know nothing about it. But ultimately, wellness habits are about focusing on yourself and making your own mind more peaceful and relaxed.
It’s hard to begin within, but the more you keep doing the right wellness rituals, the better it gets.
We’re all so caught up in our lives that we forget to take back control and focus on ourselves. But that should change. Love yourself and be kind. Don’t ask or expect validation from others. Because you’re never going to get it. Not in the way you want at least. I’ve learnt that the hard way but the main person you can rely on is YOU! So, keep thriving and using the wellness habits mentioned above to create the life you enjoy living. A simple wellness routine goes a long way in making your life better, successful and more enjoyable.
Love you loads
This article was all about the wellness habit to start in 2023 and beyond

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