13 Sun-Kissed Summer Self-Care Ideas for the Summer You Deserve
This post is all about the 13 best sun-kissed summer self care hacks for the summer you deserve!
Hellooooo! Finally, summer is here. YAY!
Are you ready for the best self care summer of your life?
Sunshine, freedom and endless possibilities to get the summer vibes on point.
Yes I know, for people like us, where we don’t exactly want to follow the societal summer norms (lol) and are maybe a little less bothered about how our insta feed looks and more interested in curating the perfect summer self care routine! This post is all about is all about finding the balance to up your summer self care game…. immediately!
This post is all about summer self care
Fueling Your Unconventional For The Best Summer Ahead
I know a lot of people love doing self care in the winters. Cooped up inside, nothing else to do but to focus on building the perfect self-care routine. But, I’m more of a summer self-care fanatic!
I love pampering myself in the hotter months, going out, eating clean and even working out. It feels more lively, vibrant and even sustainable for me. But, with every perk comes a struggle lol.
One minute all I want is to eat fruit and the next, I’m eating a ton of ice creams and drinking sugary drinks because you know – it’s hot outside (LOL).
But, this time around, summer is about finding the balance. Instead of rigid meal plans, strict workout routines, and aesthetically pleasing self care routines. Let’s all promise ourselves to find the balance, that keeps us all energised and motivated for a better summer ahead.
Take a page out of our Misfit’s guide on how to achieve the best summer self care for this summertime!
Instead of feeling the heap ton of insecurities that summer brings out, focus on how summer makes you feel. It’s more about the love, the brightness, the fresh produce, the walks, the summer smell and a whole lot of productivity!
Make this summer to put yourself first, be there for you and enjoy whatever life may bring. I know I am trying to do the same.
1. Farmers Market Feast
Skip the grocery stores and go straight to the farmers market. In wintertime, you want to eat hearty dishes and warm meals. But in the summertime, your body will crave lighter, refreshing types of foods and drinks.
Let the farmers market be your playground – where cooking is now a more exciting option than eating out!
This is something I believe in so badly, self care isn’t always about how aesthetically pleasing your face mask is. The perfect summer self-care routine is all about turning wellness into a lifestyle. Making better eating choices and finding new passions.
Experiment with salads, toss up some vegetables, grow your own herbs, make beautifully looking fruit bowls, and go all in on trying new healthy and light recipes that you’ll love throughout summertime.
I am a watermelon lover, so I am really eating (and craving) a lot of watermelon, a lot of berries and in season vegetables. It’s exciting when you make cooking fun!
2. Wake Up Early and Enjoy
I used to hate waking up early, I’m more of a night owl tbh. But summer is the perfect time to enjoy the sunrise, get out of bed on the first alarm and enjoy making a light, wholesome breakfast to kick-start your day off right.
You don’t need a strict schedule to rule your life (I mean it’s summer, so you get to live a little lol). Wake up before a certain time, make breakfast (even if it’s toast with butter), and start your day off with some affirmations.
Whatever gets your spark going, but the bottom line is, that you have to enjoy your morning routine. See some healthy morning routine examples and try and incorporate them into your routine. Get the best out of your summer self care from the start of your day.
3. Change Up Your Workouts for The Perfect Summer Self Care Plan
Now, this is something that most people dread (me being one of them)!!!!!
I used to hate working out. So much so, I never even bothered to try and create a fun workout routine that I enjoyed.
This one is for all of my summer workout girlies that love working out and want a change.
If you feel like your workout routine is getting boring, then summer is the absolute perfect time to change things up a notch.
Some workout ideas that are summer friendly are:
- Walk in the park
- Go for a hike
- Take your yoga mat outside
- Take a dance class
- Do some outdoor HIIT session
4. Change Things Up
I love a bit of change when it comes to changing my style. (I HATE CHANGE OTHERWISE LOL)
I’m always up for a new haircut, a new piercing or some new wardrobe essentials lol.
I think, summertime is the perfect time to change up your wardrobe and include some staple, capsule summer essentials to elevate your dressing game.
This is perfect for that summer self care glow up you’re looking for!
Find those perfect sized bikinis you wanted to take with you for a holiday, or buy those floral dresses and cute summer tops that you seem to see everywhere. Whatever you want to change, summer is the perfect time to do that.
5. Summer Clean Your Space
Aggghhhh, one thing I love doing is cleaning away the old and adding in the new lol.
I love to clean every nook and cranny that I can find and sparkle the way to a lovely home 🙂
Spend a day organising your closet, cleaning out the never-ending mess of that “junk drawer”. Or if you’re anything like me, deep clean your kitchen spontaneously lol.
Whatever you love to do, do it. Summer is the perfect time to give your house/apartment a new look and feel. Embrace the warm weather and bring that sunshine directly into your home!
This is actually one of the best self care ideas for summer because, when there’s clutter in your space, there will be clutter in your mind.
Something that I am about to do is absolutely redecorate my entire apartment and invest in some staple clothing pieces (I’ve already started on my jewellery… yay).
Side note: Summer cleaning doesn’t have to be all out tedious work. You can revamp your space by bringing in some flowers, decorating with new decoration pieces and bringing the summer vibe into your home.
6. Take Advantage of The Longer Days
A few years back, I used to dread the longer days in summer and loved the longer nights of wintertime. I still do regardless, but, I am about to take advantage of what the longer days bring to the table!
To begin with, my work timings actually are a bit messed up. Seen as I work from home remotely, I work during the night. Hence, me waking up at noon the next day (but somewhat I’m still not being lazy lol).
I want to change that and I think you should to. Tbh, it’s not about waking up at a certain time. It’s more about being intentional with your days.
That is what’s the most important thing!
I love watching productivity videos on YouTube, and the one thing I have found is that everyone is always saying about how being intentional with your day is the backbone to being more productive.
To make the most out of the season and your life, start prioritising the things that truly matter. Focus on your own ROI (personal life) and what’s important do first.
Things you could do in the longer days:
- Start getting back into reading
- Find a new hobby to enjoy
- Take up some extra classes and learn new skills
- Take that course you’ve wanted to do
- If you’re into gardening, start doing that
- Learn a new language
- Learn how to cook
- Focus on you and do some “me time”
Summer self care is all about being the best possible version of you out there – mentally and physically.
RELATED POST: 10 Summer Goals to Achieve for a Fun and Productive Season
7. Take a Mandatory Digital Break
I love scrolling on my phone before bed (or even in the middle of work lol). I wouldn’t say it’s a habit, but more of something I do when either 1) I’m bored or 2) my attention span is filled up and I want to divert my mind with something else.
But using your phone too much isn’t great, especially when it easily distracts you on your more important tasks of the day. YIKES
What I think everyone should start doing is taking a few tech breaks in the day or the week. Instead of scrolling on Instagram endlessly, choose to do something more fun and productive.
I’m learning Turkish from an app, so if I want to use my phone, I’ll learn more on the language. Or I’ll cook something, clean the dishes, write this blog post (something I was putting off but got my butt off the sofa and started to write)!
Whatever you choose, it could even be a small walk, make it intentional. I love using the word intentional these days because it just highlights the importance of how you should be spending your time.
If you want to kick things into overdrive, limit your social media or entirely stop for a week or so. It does change a person, you feel more productive and positive lol.
But, this summer self care tips is all about making the most out of this summertime and really enjoying spending time with you and your surroundings.
8. Go out and Mingle with People
Aggghhhh….. something I hate doing lol.
Even though I am an extrovert, I hate mingling with people. It’s freakin annoying lol.
Buuuuttttt, you have got to get out of the house. Ever since I’ve started working remotely, I don’t really go out and meet people.
I’ve set my routine in a way that I never leave the house lol.
But, this summer, I am absolutely going to change that. Because, the more you stay confined to your four walls, the worse your mental health becomes. GOT NO TIME FOR THAT 🙂
Throughout the week I’m busy with work, cooking, and blogging (to name a few lol).
But, on the weekends, I want to start going out, exploring the city I live in. Trying new restaurants, meeting people and friends that I haven’t seen in ages and I think you should do too.
Here’s what you could do to start people-ing:
- Go and try new places to eat
- Explore a new place, city or even country
- Go to the book store and get lost in it
- Take a class of something that you’ve always wanted to learn. (For me, that would be dancing or languages lol)
- Volunteer at an animal shelter, local park cleanup or whatever the cause that you care about
9. Practice Gratitude
Summer self care is the best! Summer is the perfect time to really focus on gratitude and believe in the power of manifestation.
Use the longer days to really focus on where you are and appreciate how far you’ve come – so you can achieve much more for the future.
Take some time each day to reflect on the things that you’re grateful for and appreciate. This could be anything. From journaling, to saying out your positive affirmation in the mirror, or even spending time with loved ones.
The more you appreciate life and your progress, the better your mental health will be.
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Summer Self-Care Affirmations To Say:
- I am worthy of rest and relaxation.
- I choose healthy habits that make me feel good.
- I am present in the moment and soaking up the sunshine.
- My needs are important, and I prioritize them with ease.
- With each breath, I release stress and embrace peace.
10. Prioritize Sleep
I love sleeping lol. I mean, who doesn’t?
This summer self care routine is all about prioritising your mental health and sleep schedule.
Go to bed early so you can wake up fresh, motivated and positive.
The better you sleep, the more active you’ll be in the morning. Summer is all about waking up early and getting things done. Focusing on yourself and building that routine that’ll help retrain your mind and reframe your life.
Establish a sleep schedule. Create a cool and relaxing night time routine to get into that summer vibe. Don’t use your phone before bed. And sleeeep. (Something I love to do).
11. DIY Your Home, Space and EVERYTHING
This one if for all of my DIY girlies out there. The best summer self care activities is DIYing your space!!!
I am horrendous at DIY and like to think I have absolute no skills to even do any of it. But, it doesn’t mean I don’t try lol.
You don’t really have to go all out and do somethin cray cray, but you can spice up your space with some personal touches.
Make some accessories for yourself and your friends, decorate your living room area with some handmade trays and all, or personalise your space with some paint. Whatever suits your fancy do it,
Summer is all about embracing the new and the best summer self care challenge you can do for yourself is, to get crafty and be productive.
12. Make A Summer Vision Board
I love the power of manifestation and visualising your dreams for them to turn into reality.
I love spending time watching self-improvement videos and creating a dream life lol.
So this summer, start making a vision board.
You can do this digitally as well. Or print out some magazines, Pinterest saves and stick them onto a canvas in the way that you like. Manifesting and vision boards aren’t just for January. They can be done anytime of the year.
Remember: Manifestation is something that allows you to bring your dreams into reality. The more you visualise your future, and empower yourself though your words, the better your life will become.
RELATED POST: How To Make A Vision Board That Works This Year
13. Refresh The Content You Watch
Something I love doing all the freakin time. I love watching new things and learning about the most randomest thing ever lol.
p.s – i dont think “randomest” is even a word 😐
Tbh, summer self care is all about re-programming your mind and that goes with refreshing the content you watch.
A lot of the times, we watch a lot of things that actually harm our mental health and drain our energy. Instead of letting that happen, this summer, refresh your content – YouTube, Instagram and even Facebook and TikTok!
Find something to listen to like a podcast, read a new book that’ll help inspire you and build a better system. Or when it comes to shows, try and watch something different than your genre.
Whatever it is, summer self care is all about doing things different and switching the normal most mundane routine into something productive, intentional and exciting.
This post was all about the 13 best summer self care ideas for the best summer ahead!
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