morning routine for success
Health,  Lifestyle,  Wellness

How To Create A Successful Morning Routine – The Wellness Way

Want to know how to create the best morning routine for success? Well, we have a list of things you can do to bring you to life and make the morning time easier! 

A little while ago, I used to believe that why do people even create a morning routine. You know you wake up, shower, get ready and have breakfast. So, why do you need a morning routine for success?

But now I understand why! You’re prioritising yourself and taking care of yourself and your wellness. I’m not an expert on morning routines or even how to have a successful morning routine, but there are a few things that I do and want to do, making sure that I am focusing on myself and my wellness early in the morning. 

Focus on sleep

A lot of people tend to search about what is the best morning routine for success. But most don’t know that a good night’s sleep is the best thing you can do to wake up fresh and more alive lol. 

Most people only need 7-9 hours of sleep each day to be more productive and present. These days, I have been sleeping way way less than before! I used to sleep well over 10 hours a night and still feel like I haven’t gotten enough sleep. Now I am a productive sleep cycle and tend to sleep 5-8 hours a night – I am so much more positive and awake haha.

Wake up and reset

What I love to do is put my alarm on at 5 am (yes, I wake up super early) and keep it on at intervals of 15 minutes. This helps me to wake up and in that cycle of the alarm going off, I feel more rested when I am out of bed. 

I will still lay in bed for five more minutes and focus on my manifestation and goals – to help keep me aligned with my plan and focus on the future. To manifest early in the morning before doing anything else will really help make a successful morning routine easier to do and more sustainable. 

Create a morning ritual 

Want to know how to create a successful routine? Start your day off with rituals – they’re the best to set you up for a successful morning routine! Even if you have to wake up earlier than usual to start your ritual. I would never wake up early to something I hated doing (that too first thing in the morning lol). Create a morning ritual you look forward to doing – making breakfast, coffee or playing your favourite music. Something that’ll make the day more exciting and livelier!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

For this to work, you’ll have to rearrange your morning routine to be able to build the best morning routine for success! 

Make it more effective

The best way on how to build your morning routine is to streamline the entire process the night before. Whatever you hate doing in the mornings, do it before! That could mean deciding on what to wear, or making lunch or dinner and just having to warm it up the next day. It could be the smallest of things or the bigger ones, whatever you dread in the morning, do it the night before and it will change the way your mornings will work!! I hate having to pick out what to wear in the mornings (mostly because I am rushing to get things done and makeup is on my mind haha). So what I tend to do is pick out my outfit for the day beforehand and make sure to iron it, streamlining my morning routine for success!

Make a morning routine list

I love making lists and planning everything down to the T! Lol! It’s true. Planning gets rid of the anxiety (but I plan a bit too much – increases my anxiety at times) Make a morning routine list that has all your main to-do written down and highlights what needs to be done urgently. On my morning routine list, I will have that I need to check my blog analytics and plan the post I want to write and which days I want to upload new blog content. So it really just gets rid of the hurdles and the not knowing factors and makes it easy to start your day off.ย 

Not only is this beneficial for days where you feel like doing nothing in the morning time, but it is one of the best habits of highly successful people – to make a morning routine list and stick to it!!

Form a new habit 

A lot of the time, the question of what should I add to my morning routine can be confusing. To add to your morning routine for success, form a new habit. I love building habits and one of those for me is to write for this blog every single day (even if it’s a little bit).

These days, (while writing this), my emotions are a bit high. and I am trying to work towards finding the reason why. But building and working on a new habit every day can increase your mood, and emotions and boost productivity – because you’re working towards something! 

Eat a healthy breakfast

I am definitely not a breakfast person. I’ve never been, to be honest. But I am going to start going to the gym in a month or so and then I have to eat healthily and focus on eating the right meals at the right time. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, and I will start trying (my very best haha) to eat breakfast daily that is healthy and tasty at the same time. ๐Ÿ˜Š

This is one of the best morning routine for energy that you could possibly think of!

Do things you look forward to 

To have the perfect daily routine for success and happiness is to do more of what you look forward to. For some people, that could be going to the gym and working out, or for others, it could be taking up a new hobby and activity. I love writing for this blog, and now it’s a habit. Working on this blog and learning new things to get more traffic is one of the things that I look forward to.

Say no to things you don’t want to do

I know this is a tough one – yet it is so simple to do. Saying no should be easy but it’s not. The best way how to create a successful routine is to make sure you’re not overburdening yourself and actually doing the things you want (not the things you think you have to). We’re always so into pleasing other people that we forget to please ourselves and do what we want. I suffer from that a lot and have been doing it most of my life. But the main thing is, you’ve got to live for yourself. Start saying no to the things that either won’t benefit you and your time, or you have no joy in doing. 

Sometimes, you don’t even have to say no. You can say it in ways that won’t be too direct. You can say that you can’t fit this in today and you’ll do it tomorrow, or that you won’t be able to join that party due to professional commitments. Whatever the reason, stop people pleasing and learn to say to build a successful morning routine! 

Read first thing in the morning

I love reading articles – most people do nowadays anyway. The right morning routine for success starts when you do healthy habits that are motivating and please your soul lol. Whether you are reading a book, articles on the internet, this blog or the general paper, read and be informed about what is going on around you and in the world. Education comes in a variety of different ways!

Journal and write down your emotions

One of the best morning and evening routine for success that you can do right now is to write in a journal. Sometimes, emotions can get the best of us and writing them down and reflecting upon them is the best form of therapy that you need. I don’t journal avidly, although I would like to. But writing for this blog is a form of therapy for me and is really helping me work towards a better and brighter future. 

Dear Misfits

I know first-hand how a morning routine for success can be detrimental to your mental and emotional well-being. You don’t always have everything figured out but starting the day off well is the one thing you can control. Find the morning routine that enlightens you and makes sure you have a productive day, feeling energised and alive. 

Lots of love – Murrium


This article was all about how to create the best morning routine for success to build a life worth living!!


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