How To Stop Stressing Out This Fall
Mental Health,  Wellness

How To Stop Stressing Out This Fall

This article is all about how to stop stressing out this fall season

It’s hard this time of the year to stop stressing out about everything possible. But trust me, you can and to reduce stress helps with leading a healthy life. I know first-hand, overthinking and over worrying does no good. I’ve been doing it a lot lately, stressing and everything in between. But that’s not healthy and definitely doesn’t help to get through the stressing period. To stop stressing out, there are a few things I have been doing and few that I want to start.

Start Prioritizing Yourself

How To Stop Stressing Out This Fall

We all know it’s hard to prioritize your own self because we always tend to put others first. But we need as much love as the next person. The main way on how to stop stress and the best way I try to manage my stress levels are putting myself first. I never used to and it got overwhelming pretty quickly. I mean always thinking about others don’t make you feel any better anyway. So, I have started to put my own needs first and do what I like. Say no when I don’t want to do something or think about myself first and foremost before anything and anyone else.

Spend Time with Family and Friends

Spending some quality time with the people you love the most is one act of self-care I fondly believe of (unless those people are the root cause of your stress… that’s a whole different topic we need to discuss)!

When I am around the people who mean the most to me, I naturally feel lighter and my brain for some odd reason, doesn’t overthink. It feels like I have no stress to worry about at all and I am always laughing and joking and just overall happy. Which feels nice. Spend some quality time with the people you love and the ones that truly care about making you happy. For me that is my family, going out to eat with my mum and spending time with my friends.

Eat Healthy but Not Too Healthy

Stress eating has been pretty much an everyday habit for me since I can think of. Whenever I am stressed, I always tend to lean towards food, especially the unhealthy kind. Majority of the time, my friends are the ones that notice I am stress eating the most. Because for me, it’s kind of become a habit and I don’t see any difference.

I love food, and naturally when a person is stressed, to relieve that tension, they gravitate towards their comfort zone; food. But for me, I am trying to keep a balance. I will eat healthy but I won’t eat too healthy, because that’s another stress trigger, something. I. don’t. need. But yeah, eat a regular diet, try not to have too many unhealthy carbs and sugars and indulge in your favourites once or twice a week. It’s a situation that both is positive on the body and positive on the mind. 😊

Keep A Balance

For me, the ideal thing I am trying my best to focus on is balance. Keeping a balance with my work life, and my personal life is more beneficial. It takes some time to adjust but once you find that balance, it works wonders. 😊

It’s the main answer to the how to stop stressing out problem we all face on a daily basis. I mean when there isn’t a balance, we overwhelm our brain and then we start to feel the pressure really piling on. At least for me that’s how it is. But now, on the weekends, I go out and enjoy my life. I am doing the things I love to do, and thinking about myself first. That way, I am not neglecting the parts of me or my life. Helping me to reduce stress and keep myself in check at all times.

Practice Self-Care Regularly

The one way on how to stop stressing about everything is practicing self-care on a regular basis. Not only does pampering yourself release stress but helps with releasing happy emotions. This in return helps to keep you healthy, happy and stress-free at all times.

I love to make time for myself and do the smallest of things that lead to a more better mental framework. For me, self-care isn’t about spending huge amounts of money at the spa. But the most simplest things that I can do from home. Check out my article on self-care that’ll help you out the most!!

My self-care routine is small and simple which is the most powerful way to the question I used to ask; how to reduce stress and overthinking!!!

Dear Misfits

I used to always be the one that puts others first, which intensified my stress a million times and made it worse. Now, I have come to realize, that it is not worth it. The one thing I never fully understood was putting myself first, because I am such a people pleaser and love to put the ones I love at the center of my stage. But at times, that isn’t beneficial.

So, the question that I finally found an answer too.

How to stop putting pressure on yourself?

By doing what you love and putting yourself first and never sacrificing your happiness for others. My sweet misfits, you are your own priority and never let others define your own happiness, I’ve done it too long to know, there’s no good in it. 😊

Love you

Confused Misfit


This article is all about how to stop stressing out this fall season


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