How To Stop Living on Autopilot This Fall
Mental Health,  Self Care,  Wellness

How To Stop Living on Autopilot This Fall

This article is all about the best ways to stop living on autopilot

Lately, I’ve been starting to feel somewhat robotic. Just going about life but not exactly enjoying it. Even though I have the best of people around me, my friends are super supportive of whatever I want to do in life, but still, I feel stuck some way or another ☹. It’s kind of sad to be honest.

It’s hard when you realize that you’ve been living on autopilot for a whole year and not realized it until now. It is not like I haven’t tried to change things, I have tried, but nothing really stuck. I have been wanting to change jobs for a few months but no interview has worked out or given me that “I really wanna join and learn” kinda feeling.

Now that the New Year is approaching and I’m wanting to put myself first, I have decided it is time to stop living life on autopilot and really just focus on myself and make a routine and life that I am proud of and love living. 😊

Focus On My Personal Development

It’s going to be super duper hard for me to navigate a life that will be focused on myself as I have been running around like a headless chicken for years. Lol, my exaggeration is taking over a bit here 😊. But it’s true. So, this fall and heading into the New Year, I am going to start focusing on my personal development and try to really regain myself and my mental wellbeing to the best.

I hate getting rejected in any form. And I hate failing. So, the majority of time, I won’t start anything new or do something different out of that fear. That is me lacking as a person I believe. With my intention to stop living on autopilot for the New Year, I will try and try to really start new things and do the things I’ve always wanted to do without having the fear of failing.

I’m not saying it’s going to be easy because it wont be. But I am going to not let that fear of mine get in the way any longer. It’s going to be hard and it’ll take time for my brain to really adapt to that new mind change, but it’ll be well worth it for the long run.

Focusing On My Writing

For me, as a person, I am super emotional yet I’m not that expressive. (that is until everything bursts out of me like a broken pipe)!! But, with my new mindset and new focus, I am going to really amp up my writing. That doesn’t mean it will make sense, for me, writing is like a journal without ever physically owning a journal. I love to write and most times I write deep and emotional stuff that I’ve always held deep within.

With time, I have realized that sometimes, even if you have nothing to write about, still keep writing. It helps and with my new focus, I am going to zone in and become a better writer in the process. Whether that is writing poetry which I love, or just writing blog posts and publishing them here…. Hopefully for someone to read and resonate with 😊.

Switch Things Up a Little

I’ve been doing the same old same old for this past year and now it’s time to switch things up!!!! Now, it doesn’t have to be too drastic but switching things put is the best way stop living on autopilot!! For me, that is going to a new gym, changing up my style and really focusing on what makes me happier. Instead of always putting people first.

Making the commitment to myself and instead of others. Putting my peace first and enjoying life at every moment. So, this coming year, I’ll be switching things up (which I’m excited about tbh). I will change gyms, change up my style and really just build a life that I love to live and am happy about. 😊

Zone In on What Makes You Happy

Honestly, the things that make me happy, is worth spending time on. My focus to get out of this autopilot feeling is to zone in on the things that bring me the most joy. To make this change, the question that should be asked is am I living life on autopilot? If you feel like yes, then focus on the things that make you happy to get out of that feeling, which can be frightening to be very honest.

I love designing cards and writing, going out for food and trying new places to eat. So, for me, that is what makes me happy while spending time with the ones I love. I am a big Turkish drama fan and the language is fascinating to me. From this new start and new journey, I want to incorporate those things more often than not. To really feel like I am living my life for me than for others around.

Connect With More People Than to Not

I write about heartbreak through my poetry, even though, I have never been heartbroken. But I have seen others around who have gone through that. For me, connecting with people and listening to their stories is an absolute treat. Because, I can develop myself as an individual. And plus, I love to talk a lot.

This New Year and the way to stop living life on autopilot is by connecting with more people and not limiting myself to certain relationships and friendships in any way. Connecting with people through different means and really building a community of people, especially here, on my new and hopefully growing blog lol.

Dear Misfits

I understand the difficulty to get out of the same boring routine that you’ve been living since forever. It can be more scary than difficult because of the unknown. But to be honest, the best way moving forward is always the scariest. So, instead of being frightened about it, learn to embrace it. with each new step, you’ll grow as a person and learn more about yourself. Take this time to really focus on you, as an individual and learn to love yourself more and more every day.

Our mind is a wonderful thing and it’s the best when we focus on who we are!! How to not live life on autopilot is the main priority you should be setting and holding onto stepping into this year. I hope that this blog can turn into a beautiful place that builds a community of those who feel out-of-place, like myself and many others. So yeah, if you’ve enjoyed this and loved all the tips, leave a comment, it’ll make my day.

Love you!

Confused Misfit


This article is all about the best ways to stop living on autopilot


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