The Best Wellness Ideas For Spring To Energize Your Life
Want to find out how to be more energetic and have fun at the same damn time? Get the best wellness ideas for spring this season with our best tips!
I have a love-hate relationship with the weather change. I am currently down with the flu and have a sore throat, but as always I’m surviving lol.
Honestly, the spring season is super hard for me. Allergies are started to creep their way into my life and I’m sneezing left, right and centre lol. But I still love it. It’s the time when you can go out without having to freeze your little butts off and get into the mood of dressing up. But as with anything, wellness for spring is a must to keep your mental, physical and emotional state in mind at all damn times!!!!
Find an outdoor activity
This one is a bit difficult for me lol but I still want to be able to do it. I’m always out of the house because I work at an office (another story on why I want to change that) but this spring season, one of the wellness ideas for spring I really want to do is be a more outdoorsy person.
However that looks for you, it could be working out outside, taking a hike or run or going for a walk with your little pup. Take up a new hobby which takes you more outside like photography, or have a picnic in the park and bask in the sun. Whatever you want to do to incorporate a little wellness and enjoyment in your life this spring season should definitely be done!!!
Eat more veggies and fruits
I am trying to do this with lunch (I have lunch at work so there’s always salad haha). Honestly, I’m not a fruit person and never have been. I never really enjoy eating fruit (or cutting it lol). But this spring season I am focusing on becoming a more healthier person with my food choices. I mean now is the perfect time for me to focus on my health goals and really manifest my dream body into reality π
Write more
I love writing, it’s who I am I guess. I love writing for this blog as well. A big part of me is now very much engrained with this blog because I am always working on it and thinking about it (a bit too much lol). But then again, if I didn’t write, all of those thoughts and feelings would be locked up and come out in a much less productive and unhealthy way.
The perfect wellness ideas for spring are the ones you love to do. For me, it’s writing, and that comes in many forms. For you, it could be journalling, or maybe you want to write a book one day. Start on the small writing tasks you can do now to lead you to build a professional career in that domain (It’s what I am doing and have done).
Get more creative
This goes hand-in-hand with the above one really. Writing is being creative, but I know some people who are creative when it comes to painting, drawing, languages and so so much more.
If you’re creative then find something you absolutely have a passion for doing. That could be painting, learning new cooking techniques or even making resin art (which is super cool) π
spring-clean your closet
I need to do this so badly! This weekend I am hoping to take some time out to purge through my mess of a closet and spring-clean every item I don’t wear or don’t like anymore. I love a good spring-cleaning routine because it makes everything so much easier and it’s like you’re getting mentally prepared for the new season to arrive lol.
A little bit of spring wellness goes a long way and one way to do that is to organise your space, your home, your desk and most certainly your life haha π. For me, that is focusing on the positive and really just deep cleaning out the unnecessary stuff that no longer needs a home in your life anymore.
Have a reset day

A good spring detox could do us all some good, couldn’t it? Detoxing your day comes in so many ways. Take a few days off from work. Take a day off of socials and relax without looking at your phone. It can even mean being lazy around the house and sleeping. Whatever you want to do to reset your mind and body, you should! Find that perfect balance of having a reset day and making your mind more productive for the weeks ahead.
Practice positive thinking
Do you know the one way how to clean up your life? Practice positive thinking all day long nonstop. We are always in this endless rut of just working, having a lot of self-doubts and stressing about every damn thing.
But life brings its ups and downs and the main thing to really focus all of that energy on is being more positive. Practice manifestation and the law of attraction. Envision how you want to lead your life and focus on all of the positive things happening around you. Most times, we always get sucked up into the negative aspect and focus on all the things we were never able to achieve. Instead, I want you guys (myself included lol) to focus on what’s going right and always be positive to yourself and others around you!! π
Prioritise your schedule
I am so type-A to be very honest that it gets to a point where I am frequently stressing over things I have either booked or just aren’t able to do in that timeframe (I bring it on myself really)!
But prioritising what matters the most and tailoring my schedule according to that has made a significant increase in my productivity levels and my mood in general. It’s the best wellness ideas for spring to be honest and I am happy that I’m prioritising my future by blocking out time for things that are aligned with my goals. Creating the life I have always wanted.
Side note – if any of you want me to write about how I manage everything and be more productive then let me know. I would love to write about that!!
Make a budget plan for spring
On the first day of spring or any month really, people tend to organise their finances. I don’t really budget for stuff and spend without overthinking, which is fine for me. I get to save as much as I can as well. But I know for some, making a budget and planning for the month is necessary (especially when paying the bills and getting groceries – super super expensive stuff).
For me though, budgeting isn’t a big issue. I do jot down how much I have spent in my notes app on my phone and that has worked out fine for me so far. But if you guys do want to get your finances in order then come up with a budgeting plan of how much you want to spend and organize and go through your bank statements, and credit cards and start paying off any loans that you may have accordingly.
Meditate and move your body
I’m not a big fan of movement lol. But I love swimming, boxing, dancing and doing a treadmill routine on an incline. One of my wellness spring era vibes for this springtime is to really focus on my health – physical and mental. I do know, that the more active I am, the more mentally positive I am. So, come this spring season, I’ll be hitting the gym and swimming on the regular lol.
My one tip is to really focus on a workout routine that you love to do. Something that’ll bring you joy and make sustainable for the long run at least. Because I have learnt from experience that if you hate going to the gym, it won’t last. You’ve got to do it for you babes! Always!!
Have fun and live more
Let’s make this a spring challenge for us all. Let’s have some fun and live way more. I know how hard it can be to live life when there’s work, personal issues, professional commitments and financial struggles along the way. But you have got to remember that your life is yours and no one else is going to live it the way you want.
Start having fun and I mean a lot of fun. Start living life and making memories along the way. You’ll love life more, get to see more and experience a lot more than before – trust me on this one.
Dear Misfits!
Let’s all get our lives in order this spring season and spring cleaning your life has never been easier than ever before lol with our amazing tips. I know that when you make small changes they lead to the bigger ones (the ones you actually want and imagine haha). But while focusing on your goals, it is time to have fun, make memories, fall in love with yourself and enjoy every damn moment possible. Your mental, physical and emotional well-being should be your focus at all times!
Happy spring cleaning
This post was all about the perfect wellness ideas for spring to do this springtime to have the best life possible!!