Spring-clean your life
Health,  Lifestyle,  Mental Health,  Wellness

The Ultimate Misfit’s Guide On How To Spring-Clean Your Life Challenge

Want to know the ultimate misfit’s guide on how to spring-clean your life? Get the best spring-clean challenge for the best springtime, NOW!

I don’t like change! But I like spring, because the weather is amazing, you can plan for the entire year ahead and have the best time going out (and not freezing your butt in the process lol)!! 😊

Now, this isn’t the normal tidying up and making sure your home is ready for the spring season (although that’s cute too)!! 

This is more about how to spring-clean your life for better mental well-being, and health and have the ultimate lifestyle this springtime that you deserve! 

There’s a lot of hype about removing what doesn’t serve you any longer. But it’s much more about that. Honestly, it is about adjusting and implementing ways that replenish your soul and help you lead a wellness-based life. These days I am so focused on self-care and wellness that it’s all I think. One of my main focus points for my life and the rest of this year is finding who I am and doing what I love. Leading a wellness-infused life that brings me internal peace along with external happiness! 😊

How to spring-clean your life for the peace that you want? By doing all the things below!

1. Stop stressing over food

I’m such a big stressor when it comes to food – and end up eating all the unhealthy stuff anyway lol. But I think that is the reason why! I’m always thinking about wanting to eat healthily and how many calories I’ve had throughout the day. It even once came to the point where I didn’t eat anything at all. 

Since I remember, I’ve had such an unhealthy relationship when it comes to food – an obsessive kind tbh! 

So my one piece of advice to spring-clean your life is to stop stressing over food and enjoy it, which in return, will help to process a healthy emotion when it comes to eating. I know it’s easy to say but with super small steps, it can happen over time. Make it one of your spring goals this year to eat healthily but to also indulge and have a balanced relationship when it comes to healthy eating.

2. Revaluate your spending habits

I love to spend money on food more than clothes lol. But when I go shopping, there’s no stopping me from filling up my basket with a ton of clothes (I never even end up wearing most of them, to be honest!). 

This spring season, try not to spend a lot of money on unnecessary things that you know (in the back of your mind) that you don’t need. Try spending on stuff that will be used and can add value to your life. Whether that’s furniture, buying shoes when you know you need them and clothes that you know you’ll wear. Lol, let’s hope you and I both can make this sustainable for this springtime. 

3. Replace what you don’t enjoy

I’m all for doing stuff I love and enjoy! This spring season, to have the ultimate spring wellness era challenge, make sure to replace stuff you don’t like doing with the things you love to do. I’m not a big fan of gym stuff, but I love to dance, swim and even box. This year, it’s one of my goals to go back to swimming and learn how to dance. Also, take a boxing class to get all of that daily frustration out. So, let’s spring-clean your life by replacing stuff that takes away your energy with replenishing and pleasurable things to do!!! 

4. Reorganise everything and anything

I’m not a big fan of cleaning, I mean who is? But one of my spring challenge for this springtime is to really get organised in my digital space. 

This spring season I’ll be organising all of my digital files in super cute folders, making aesthetically pleasing wallpapers, cleaning out my email inbox and making sure that the things I use the most are as tidy as possible. And for the physical things around me, I’ll be tossing out the old stuff that I don’t use and buying the things that I will use lol. The spring-clean your life era begins hahaha!!!! ❤️

5. Start journaling and noting down feelings

I’m not ashamed to say I’m an emotional person. Most of the time I’m a rollercoaster of emotions. My feelings are somewhat extravagant lol. One moment I’m so happy and the next I get sad. I’ve learned over time that is who I am as a person and started to love it really.

6. Stop complaining

Yes yes seems easy, doesn’t it? I mean, we’re human and complaining is kind of in our DNA lol. But, for this wellness spring era, stop complaining. Watch how you’ll see the positive side of yourself by not complaining once. Have a happy spring cleaning routine where you think positively all day long. 

Stop talking negatively and putting out toxic vibes in the universe. I’ve become such a big believer that the more positive you are, the better your life will become. And I am actively seeing it happen. Each. Single. Day! 

7. Make things memorable

I’ve started doing this recently and honestly, it’s changed how I look at things! Now all I think about is all the ways I can make stuff memorable. I am going to start taking photos of everything I do and making sure that I log every memory with friends and family. 

Doing this is second nature tbh because I want to look back a few years from now and remember the good old days lol. The days when I was the happiest and enjoying my life with my friends and starting to find who I was! It’s a big thing for me 😊

8. Detox your socials

These days, we all tend to follow accounts we think we “should” and not those that inspire or motivate us. I’ve been starting to follow a lot of creators in the business niche and in the blogging space and learn from them and how they curate such amazing content. I’ve also started to follow girls who look like me and who have the same fashion sense that I want to develop and build on. 

9. Make a plan

I love making plans about everything. I’m such a damn planner lol. I’ll make plans about what I want to eat if we’re going out or what season I want to watch on the weekends lol. And when it comes to my life, well I’ve planned every single step. I’ve made such goals and an action plan that will lead me to the life I want. I need to make them more detailed (another story lol). Let me know in the comments or on Instagram if you want me to write a post on how I plan my goals and life. I’d love to write about it. 😊

10. Take action on your goals

You know the one thing we all do? Plan every single goal we want. You know the one thing we also do? Never take any action on them to make them come into reality. I was doing this since I can remember, up until now at least. 

Now, with how my mindset has changed, I’ve really started to take action on all my plans and goals. This blog, for example, I’ve had for so long and every time I used to write down all my goals and plans down to make them work. But never stuck by any of it and took no action at all. 

But times have changed, to be frank, and I am taking action every single day. I’m constantly thinking about my blog and what post to write, how to be more helpful and building a community of people that can resonate with me and everyone like me lol. I really want to build this blog up to what I know it can be and make this into a community and a safe and happy place for people to come and read! 

11. Organise everything 

I don’t really have a junk drawer to organise lol. But I have a junk life to organise 😉

I love Notion, I don’t think I’ve spoken about it as much. But it is one of my favourite planning apps along with Google Sheets! I’m going to start organising my life, my to-do lists and what I need to do this year to set me on the right track for success, happiness and a healthier, more wellness-infused lifestyle. (I’m a big fan of wellness haha). And for you guys to spring-clean your life, you should do this too!! ❤️

12. Start focusing on your health

I’m not a big gym fan, I don’t really like going to the gym. But exercising comes in many ways. One of those is swimming, boxing and dancing for me (although I do love a walk on the treadmill on an incline). I’m going to start swimming in a few months, going to the gym next month and trying to find a few boxing and dance classes to take 🤞. Because I want to sustain a healthy lifestyle and be that girl for myself! It’s a goal of mine I’ve had for so long but never really focused on. 🤞

This time though, I will and I’ll be doing the exercises I love and enjoy. That is important if you want to spring-clean your life and sustain it and make it into a routine. Think of it like a spring detox, you’re getting rid of things that don’t serve you in the long run and focusing on the things that’ll make you happy and more healthy at the same time. 

13. Try to listen

Now, this doesn’t mean you have to listen to all the negative sh…t people talk about all the damn time. But it means that opening your ears before speaking could do you (and me) the world of good. I’m not a good listener tbh, but I want to improve on that. I want to be able to listen without having an opinion of my own. Without making judgements and deciding on what is right and what is wrong at that moment. Listen to your family, and your friends. Listen to yourself and how you feel. It would do you and me the world of good haha. 😊

14. Put yourself first

Is it me or do we all tend not to do this as much as we should? Spring-cleaning your life is much more about wellness and internal peace than it is about materialistic stuff. I mean, put yourself first. And do it – ALL THE TIME BABE!

You absolutely deserve to think about yourself in every situation imaginable. You are your keeper to your happiness and making yourself your first priority is not selfish! (and whoever tells you so can shut the f…..up haha).

15. Do what you love 

You need to be doing what you love and what you deserve. Not what you think others should be doing or what they expect from you. Don’t want to go on that trip anymore? Then don’t. Want to be lazy and rest all day? Then do! Simple things can frame your mind and change your mindset for the better. Shaping you into the most amazing and beautiful person that you are!!!!!

16. Revamp your career

This is high time for me to start doing lol. I’ve been working in the same company for three years now (I know right, time flies). But, now I am starting to find other opportunities and one day turn this blog into my full-time career (fingers crossed). 

I want to find something that’ll energise me, help me to learn, grow and teach me new things. Something I’ll enjoy doing. And to be honest, I enjoy writing for this blog and trying to scale it up. That’s why I want to take it full-time and write to build a community – it matters so much to me. 

17. Choose to forgive

I think this works more for you than any other person. There are a lot of people that have hurt me (I mean who doesn’t right)? But this year, I am slowly working on forgiving them, including my nearest and dearest and forgiving myself above all. 

Before I would beat myself up so badly about the things I wasn’t able to do or accomplish. Now, I don’t do that as much (I’m still a work in progress lol hahaha). But it is true. The moment you learn to forgive yourself, the better your life will become and I strongly believe in that. And the happier and healthier you’ll be!!! This is one of the ways to spring-clean your life in 2023 and beyond!

18. Get ahead this spring season

Want to know how to clean up your life? Get ahead of everything you have planned. Get ahead of your allergies, your mental state, your finances and so on. Make sure to take some time out beforehand and focus on the things that are in your control. It doesn’t mean obsessing about it. Just focus on what you can do and what can really help make spring more enjoyable. 

Dear Misfits

I know all of this might sound hard to do, but small steps. I want you and me to have an amazing spring and for that, you need to do some happy spring cleaning :). 

Let’s all learn to love ourselves entirely and not change for other people. To focus on our mental and physical health and forgive our past mistakes. I want this first day of spring for everyone to be pleasant and for you guys to get on the right track with these awesome spring season tips and tricks challenges. 

This blog was all about how to spring-clean your life for a better spring season, year and future ahead!! 😊💌✨


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