Mental Health,  Wellness

6 Small Ways To Improve Your Life Easily

Sometimes life feels stagnant, not knowing what the next chapter is? However, oftentimes we get so depressed in what we’re feeling, and not focusing enough energy on making the right decisions or trying to improve your life.

Life will always be a battle, whatever battles you’re facing, all you need to know is, life changes and as humans, we evolve and adapt to situations. How to improve your life is an endless question, everyone asks! But, knowing how to and actually implementing the right steps is what you need, and this article will help with that. 

Improving your life can be hard and sometimes seems impossible. But that is not the case, with some mental clarity and proper focus, you can change your life in 2021 without worry and doubt. Improving your life, focusing on mental health and establishing a way forward can always be a success, even if you mess up along the way. If you fall, don’t worry, get right back up and move forward with a confident smile! 

Stop Sacrificing Your Needs

Sacrificing your needs and putting them on hold is something to not be doing, especially in 2021! This year has been hard on all of us, more so because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Every person in this world is facing difficult decisions, some people are even losing their jobs and homes.

However, don’t sacrifice your needs, because life can change. You don’t want to be the one person that has had to sacrifice their happiness and dreams. Do what you need to do, live the life you want and dream the dreams you desire.

Let no one tell you otherwise, and if they do, don’t stand for it. During this Coronavirus pandemic, we have learnt hard lessons, and one of them is that we have built this world, where mostly we, please others and not ourselves. To live a happy life, put your needs first and think about yourself and your happiness; which should be the main goal. Always and forever!

Develop A Morning Routine

Morning routines help with being consistent and mindful, being able to prosper in life. The one thing to be doing is establishing a productive morning routine in 2021. If you’re not going to start now, then when? Morning routines are the one thing that helps to stay in line with your goals and achieve the necessary steps to live a healthy life.

A healthy morning routine will set the tone for the day and control the means of your life, without being overly focused and wasting valuable energy. 

  • Set the tone for the whole day
  • Control your life without your life controlling you
  • Being more productive 
  • Ensuring you meet deadlines and goals
  • Fresher mind and healthy mindset
  • More energy and stability
  • Productivity and focused energy on important life goals
cook to improve your life

Make Your Food 

Cooking is often seemed as “Something Unapproachable”! Most people hate to cook because of the immense mess they create. However, to improve your life and live a healthy life, cooking your own meals can help. Bringing more energy into your life, while creating a good healthy nutritional diet (which we all need to focus on and live our best lives).

Cooking is a way to release stress and negative energy, releasing emotions while you make something healthy. Living a healthy life will automatically improve life quality and mental focus, ensuring stability and clarity in all aspects.

Listen to a Podcast and Motivational Speakers

It’s a proven fact that when you surround yourself with motivational people, you will in return become motivational. Changing your habits is a slow process, but listening to people who have done so, can drastically change your outlook. Whether it’s a podcast or a TED talk, your brain will absorb and help you to move forward, even in situations where you feel like you can’t.

Having motivational people can help with a change of mindset and a positive outlook on life. Enabling you to improve yourself, even in minor aspects at first. Sometimes change doesn’t have to come in bigger forms. Changing the small things in your life can lead to a snowball effect.

Helping you to improve your life, while you improve yourself! Surround yourself with positivity and help your mental energy focus on more positivity rather than negativity. I know, at first, this is hard, but stick with it, because it’s worthwhile in the future. 

Treat Yourself to The Small Things of Life

Now, I’m not saying go out and buy yourself a lot of things, or spend tons of money on unnecessary items. But the small things can really help change your focus and align your goals. When we often think too much about something or are too engrossed in our lives and building our dreams, we neglect ourselves.

This happens too much and it shouldn’t. The one thing to be doing is treating yourself to the more meaningful things in life, that can help with your future self and build strong mental energy, hence, improve your life in 2021. Buy a self-help book, go on a retreat or book yourself a spa session.

All of these things don’t have to be costly but they make sure that you’re NOT neglecting yourself and your needs. Sometimes sitting down with a glass of wine and reading a good book can actually make your mind refreshed and help you to focus your energy on other aspects. A trip down the spa can help become more mindful and release toxic energy, giving you creativity and happiness. Small things in life matter and taking care of yourself is well worth it.

  • Buy a book
  • Book a spa session
  • Go on a vacation
  • Retreat to a beautiful place
  • Socialize and make new friends

Enjoy the Fresh Air 

So many times, we get caught up in our goals and life, that we forget how beautiful nature is. That’s why starting from today, make it a habit to go outside and breathe fresh air. Take a walk, go on a hike or ride a bicycle, something that helps your mind to reset. All of this can help prepare yourself for the day ahead, or week ahead. Ensuring that your fresh and ready to go.

The simplest things in life are the most valued ones and the ones that can actually improve your life and set good habits for a healthy future. Value time, money and get to know mother nature. Be one with the earth and ensure you’re connected to your roots and ground. Take a friend, your partner or someone else, that helps to make these small changes in life more approachable. Nothing happens overnight, and implementing these small changes will truly turn your life around. 

Final Words 

Enjoy life and be yourself. Improving your life in 2021 will no doubt be an experience, but it surely is one that you will truly love. Improvement happens with time, but there is no point to waste more of it. During Covid-19, everyone has had to evaluate their lives and living habits.

Some people have focused their energy on becoming better versions of themselves, while others are planning for the future and looking ahead. Whatever your goals are in life, know one thing, taking baby steps to improve your life will be better than leaping for the golden fruit.

Re-evaluate yourself and stay hopeful. Without hope, there is no point in living. Be happy with what you have (I know, it’s hard sometimes), but look towards the future and KNOW one day, that your life will be the best! You’ll have accomplished everything and have the people that matter the most.

Check in on yourself and make it a habit to do so. Think positive and NEVER think you’re not good enough, because, YOU ARE! Be weird, be unique and be yourself, even if people don’t like it. They’re just afraid of change, but one day, you will be the one that has it all! 

Stay blessed and stay safe 

 Confused Misfit


Helpful tips to improve your life!



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