single girl valentine's day
Dating,  Friendship,  Relationships

Things To Do If You’re Spending Valentine’s Day Alone

This is all about spending happy Valentine’s Day alone as a single girl 😊

I love a day full of love (even though I have no one to share it with lol). But I mean, Valentine’s Day isn’t about having to have someone in your life. We all can celebrate it with open arms. I am a big believer in showing people that I care about love, respect and the occasional gift lol. But I do understand that spending Valentine’s Day alone as a single girl can be super hard (trust me I know). But it doesn’t have to be. There are so many things you can do on Valentine’s Day that just makes it better and better.

Last Valentine’s Day I spent it at work (I know right) but I spent it with my closest friends. We ordered cake and pizza and really just went in on the whole Valentine theme (as much as we could lol). And this year is definitely no exception to that.

Dress up in a theme

I love dressing up and doing makeup. One of my favourite things to do. At one point I even wanted to become a makeup artist (that is a story for another time lol). But Valentine’s Day is no exception. Even though you might not have that someone special in your life, it doesn’t mean you can’t look pretty and amazing for yourself. I’m not a huge fan of the colour red but I love bright and bold colours. I love pinks and blues. So, for this Valentine’s, I won’t be wearing red but I will be dressed in some kind of bright and out-there colour lol. (I mean I should win colour of the year)!! 😉

Do something different with your makeup routine

I love makeup. For me, it is a stress reliever. But for this happy Valentine I will be doing something different. I rarely do any eye looks. Mostly because I wear glasses and rub my eyes a hell lot of times throughout the day lol. But this year, for Valentine’s Day, I will do a bold eye look that is not too bold lol. I really just want to take the time out and get ready (no matter how long that takes lol). Really want to focus on me and make sure that this time, I am happy and content without a partner and being single (once again 😊).

Order lots and lots of food

I do this freakin all the damn time. But to make it a happy Valentine Day, I will be ordering a ton of food. Eating and enjoying it with the people I have and making sure they know I love them as much as I really do. Plus, because I have made it a ritual to spend valentine’s day with my mum each year, I will be taking her out and really celebrating the love and special bond I have with her. And you should do it too. Ordering some comfort food can actually make this Valentine’s Day not seem too dull and boring. Go out and eat food, have something sweet and celebrate the fact that you have grown and keep on growing into this amazing person that you absolutely are!

Self-care is priority

One of the main things that I love to do when it comes to pampering myself is self-care. This year I promised myself to make it all about me. Something I have never done before. Yes, it sounds cheesy but it is true. I love taking the time out and really enjoying every moment I have with myself. Because you never know when it is the last. So why shouldn’t we all be happy then? Sounds easy and it is really. Take the time out for yourself. Get that haircut you have always wanted, go to the salon and get a full spa treatment. Buy yourself that cute dress. Self-care comes in all forms and nothing is more important this happy Valentines Day than making yourself more happy. Right? Get some cute valentine’s day nails and make the most of the day, whether you’re single or not.

Make a vision board

I just covered this in my latest post. Making a vision board has been one of the best decisions I made this year. It has totally changed my life (I know I sound too dramatic but it is trueee). This year, I told myself that my goals and dreams will be the main focus. And it is. I made an amazing vision board – a digital vision board – and it has been the best thing. I am not too creative when it comes to art but I love designing and making cute cards and everything. So I made a vision board and added in some really cute positive quotes to uplift me in times of need lol. You can add in some quotes for happy valentine ‘s day that makes it even more special. These types of quotes are meant for positivity and can really change the way your mind works and thinks. I know it had done for me.

Valentine’s Day quotes to live by:

“Being single doesn’t mean no one loves you. It means that God is busy writing your love story.”

“S.I.N.G.L.E = Strong, Independent, Noticeable, Generous, Loyal and Enlightened”

Watch a whole lot of shows

My love for Turkish shows is endless. I mean amongst my friends, I am known to be a Turkish fanatic. And I do believe that I will find my soulmate who will be Turkish lol. (Fingers crossed at least). But this Valentine’s Day for singles is all about watching your fav shows on repeat. I haven’t watched FRIENDS yet and I really want to. This Valentine’s Day, I will finally make the plunge and watch the show that my friends have already watched on repeat an endless number of times. Happy Valentines means happy shows that are filled with love and laughter and lots of tears lol. Right now, my favourite season is Ginny and Georgia and I am in LOVEEEE.

This post was all about happy Valentine’s as a single girl 😊


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