How To Simplify Life With The Lucky Girl Syndrome
This post is all about the best ways to simplify your life with the lucky girl syndrome
I love everything shiny and extra. But these days, I really am trying to simplify everything around me. Making sure that I live a more happy and content life with peace lol.
Now that does not mean I won’t be spending money on the things I love. We work to earn money and spend it on ourselves, right? It just means that I won’t be overburdening myself and committing to the things that bring me no joy (at least no joy recently).
So, how do you actually simplify your life using the lucky girl syndrome technique? It’s easier than you think ๐
1. Your Time
For me, these days, time is more valuable than anything else. I’ve started to really focus my time on myself and the things that actually make me happy. Instead of wasting every ounce of time on other people.ย
I really have just made sure that my time is valuable and take the time out to spend on either relaxing or building my dream life. We’re all so busy. I mean that is part of life. Commitments and work-life balance. It gets super hard. But the one thing that has made it easier for me to focus and breathe, is that I am not just wasting my time on the things that do not matter anymore. Work is essential (otherwise I would be super duper broke lol). But so is working on yourself and enjoying your own company. I am consciously taking time out of my day bit by bit to enjoy and spend on building the life I always have dreamt of!!
2. Pursue Your Goals

Do you know the one thing that is super irritating and common? Having goals but never working on them. I mean, that was me up until a few months ago. The best way to simplify your life is to make sure you are actively pursuing your goals. Making them the centre of every single thing you do. At. All. Times!ย
That is the most common practice of the lucky girl syndrome. To make sure that your goals are aligning with your life and to continuously think about a better future. My goal is to get financially independent and have the best life I can possibly have. Which means working on this blog and scaling it up, and eventually, launching a business and making a brand. And I am doing that every single day and have made it a part of my daily routine.
3. Think With Positive Emotions
Shit goes bad. It happens. Life I guess. But the main thing to do is just to think positively and have positive emotions. Currently, my life isn’t exactly on track and there are a lot of hurdles that I am facing every day. But, before, that would have made me more stressed out than I am now! I am still thinking positively and have hope that a better future is waiting for me and not too far away lol. (I hope I don’t sound too soppy). But it’s true. Part of the lucky girl syndrome is manifesting your dream life and visions into reality. That is what I am doing. When you think with positive emotions, you get back positivity as well. It’s how the universe and all its glory work!! ๐
4. Workout Out and Stay Healthy
Part of how to simplify your life is to just stay active and healthy. It’s that simple really. You don’t always feel your best and that is understandable. But when I’m upset, I end up making some really bad choices. Part of my journey is to stay healthy and active and release all the negative energy I have in a much safer way. I’m working on doing that and I am about to join a gym. I’m into boxing so I really want to start to learn how to box and make sure that I make it a part of my everyday routine. It helps with calming the mind and simplifying your life is all about that – the mind!!
5. Build Connections
A lot of the time, we don’t make deep connections. I have a lot of trust issues lol and that really doesn’t help in building healthy relationships. I’ve made some good friends at work. And I am actively making sure I keep those friendships with grace. Communication is the best when it comes to building connections. And I have never been good with communication. But I am working on that to live a much simpler life with lots of happiness.
6. Create a Morning Routine
I’ve been getting up at 5 in the morning for nearly 2 months now and I absolutely love it. I haven’t created a solid morning routine yet, but I do really want to. Routine is everything. Right now my morning routine is mostly just waking up, getting ready (barely on time lol) and quickly heading out the door for work. That’s it. Not ideal tbh. But, as the weather changes and becomes sunnier, I want the perfect morning routine that’ll bring me more success :).
7. Declutter Your Space
I hate cleaning (I mean who doesn’t?). But I love organizing my digital space. I have made a habit that once every 3 months, I will declutter my inbox, and phone and organize every single thing into pretty folders lol. It’s a perfect way for me to simplify my life and get on track with the lucky girl syndrome. All about making sure that my mind is actively manifesting the dreams and visions I have.
The best ways to simplify your life aren’t just drinking more water and staying on track with eating healthy (although that is good – more water forever lol). It’s about tailoring it to your life and how you live. I’m always working, so for me, I have to consciously take time out of my day. Which sometimes frustrates me a lot. But decluttering my digital space and making google sheets for my budgets and content calendar really helps me with a positive mind and stay on track with all my goals. It’s a quick solution and a super fun one as well ๐.
8. Listen to Podcasts
I’ve recently gotten into this. I listened to my very first podcast last night. And I loved it. (Although I fell asleep halfway through because I was super tired). I am not sleeping well and that is really messing up with my mood (not goooood). So, a quick life hack is to listen to something calming. For me, songs do not work. I start having a mini dance party in my head lol. But podcasts do. It helped me fall right asleep and just listen and focus. I love business and blogging-related podcasts. I’m still getting into podcasts so in a few months I’ll list my recommendations. Stay tuned for that lol!! ๐
9. Take Deep Breaths
A lot of the time, I get overwhelmed by everything going on. Lately, I have just started to breathe. I know right, the most common thing for a person and yet we never do it right. Lol. But lately, I have been taking deep breaths and really focusing all my energy and mind on positive energy. Ridding myself of toxicity and toxic people. The best way how to simplify life and get rid of stuff comes from the mind. If your mind is clear and focused, nothing can stop you. The lucky girl syndrome is all about that. Manifestation and visualization.ย
Dear Misfits
I know, it’s simple to read and say but super hard to do. That is why I really want to build a community of people who don’t feel like they fit into a certain place. I have always felt out of place, everywhere I go. Be it at work, at home or even in a restaurant. I don’t feel comfortable and I am still finding myself. It’s a journey. But a beautiful one to go on, to be honest.
Start with simplifying your life and making sure youโre manifesting your goals every single day. I listened to a podcast yesterday (my first one) and it was about manifestation. I am super into visualizing my goals and turning my life around. And I know you guys can too. So, let’s all make sure we take life one step at a time and start focusing our energy on positive thinking. It’ll help, trust me and trust the process.
This post was all about the best ways to simplify your life and manifest your dreams with the lucky girl syndrome