How To Set Realistic New Year’s Resolutions to Achieve in 2023
This article is all about the ways to set realistic New Year’s resolutions to achieve this year
I always have a tricky mindset when it comes to achieving my goals for the year, I’m always so pumped up but then flatline mid-way, I know right? Weird. But each year I set myself a lot of New Year’s resolutions and never ending up achieving any one of them lol. It’s a shame to be honest because those New Year goals of mine are truly super dear to my heart. But I never end up doing it.
This year will be different. I really want to focus on myself and my own mental and physical well-being. I am setting out some realistic New Year’s resolutions to achieve for the New Year. A lot of the time, we end up making all the New Year’s resolutions that we think we want, and not something that we actually need. The right New Year’s resolution ideas are not about what we think we should do, instead, they should be about the things that’ll make us happier, content and more peaceful.
Here Are The Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions Ideas To Set You Up For Success!
To set yourself up for success and make this New Year amazing, make sure to set some realistic New Year resolution goals. It’s time to ditch the old and boring New Year resolutions and get some goals that are motivating and that you will do and focus on. Rather than feeling drained out and disappointed year after year!! 😊 These easy-to-do realistic New Year resolutions will give you satisfaction and success in 2024!!

Save More Money Each Month
The best New Year’s resolution ideas are the ones that’ll make your year even better. Saving more money doesn’t necessarily mean limiting yourself throughout the month or to save large amounts. It can even be a conscious decision about what to spend on and what not to spend on. Each day set aside the loose change that you have collected. Or don’t spend money on that expensive coffee and rather make a nice warm/cold coffee at home. This is the one realistic New Year’s resolution that everyone including myself can do without having that money-saving pressure.
Prioritize Happiness over Worry as a New Year Resolution
One of the best New Year resolution ideas is to make time for happiness and prioritize it over worries. I mean, problems come and go. Worries never leave us. But in the end, happiness is what matters. For an amazing year ahead, one of the best realistic New Year’s resolutions is to ensure that you are willingly taking time out to prioritize your mental well-being. Making sure that at the end of 2023, you have had more happy memories than non. This one change can make a difference in your physical and mental state and help to realize that your life is worth living. I know first-hand that no one besides yourself can give you the validation you deserve. So instead of putting this New Year resolution off or not focusing on it, make sure you do!!! 😊
Setting Realistic New Year’s Resolutions For Happiness:
- Practice gratitude
- Focus on your mental wellbeing
- Choose yourself over others
- Give yourself the validation you crave
- Stop relying on people and rely on yourself
- Make yourself your number-one priority
- Journal and keep a habit tracker
- Try a social media detox
- Read a book you love
- Remember the happiest moments
- Never talk down on yourself and ignore negativity
- Start meditation
- Do more exercise and focus on your eating
Start Looking After Yourself And Your Looks

We all age, it’s a normal process. I mean we are humans at the end of the day and we get those smile lines and wrinkles and whatnot. But, remember to focus on yourself and your looks. This can be the best realistic New Year resolution you can do for yourself. Investing in your appearance and skin care is something that’ll help you to feel more motivated. Try out a different makeup routine and really know what looks good on your skin texture. I have actually started to do this and changed my appearance and look with this one super small yet amazing change. It was easy enough to do and one of the best New Year resolution ideas that I could have had – and hopefully you can have too 😊.
Clean The Clutter for New Beginnings
How to set realistic New Year’s resolutions? Well, one of the main and most common things that get overlooked is tidying up. It doesn’t mean you have to deep clean your entire house (I mean I would die at the thought of doing that lol). But you can clean the clutter that has been piling up. A clean atmosphere around can help to feel more motivated and less irritated. I recently decided to clean my own space in my living room, and it has done me the world of good. I feel more relaxed and at ease with knowing that the one thing I was putting off is finally done… and just in time for the New Year!! This is one of the most realistic New Year’s resolutions that you can do, and start small so you don’t overwhelm yourself lol.
Stop Procrastinating and Get Stuff Done
Procrastination is a bad habit and often it’s done without even knowing we are doing it. I mean I do it all the time. I’m such a bad and big procrastinator that I end up putting off the things I want to do out of habit by now tbh. But that’s the one thing I want to change for this year. Instead of always thinking about what we have to do, we should just do it. I know, sounds easy right? But trust me, it ain’t. Then again, is anything we want to do in life easy? From now on, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to start doing instead of thinking. Just get stuff done and enjoy the process. For me, that means trying (fingers crossed) to publish two blog posts per week and focus on my Pinterest account.
Change Your Atmosphere and Meet New People
I bet everyone can relate to this but the emotion of being stuck somewhere is so annoying and damn tiring. I have been feeling stuck for at least six months by now and I am done complaining about it lol. This New Year’s resolution of mine is to push myself and get out of an atmosphere and environment that is mentally exhausting. I want to meet new people and I know that you guys want that too. So, let’s get this New Year goal in full swing and by the end of the year, make sure our surroundings and environment are giving us life. Instead of sucking it out of us 😊
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
It’s the one thing that holds us back to be very honest. Our comfort zone is no doubt a killer for our personal and professional lives. One of the best and most realistic New Year’s resolutions that you can take head-on is to push yourself. Leave the comfort zone behind and try learning and adapting to new situations. It’ll do us all some good.
A Realistic New Year’s Resolution Is to Earn More Money
To save more, you have to earn more. Now is the time for passive income and side hustles. I mean if we don’t start now, then when will we? So, instead of going to that same shitty tiresome job and doing as much work there and still not being valued, let’s work on ourselves. More money is such a big thing that everyone wants to achieve, but few less do. Again, it comes down to your comfort zone and how willing you are to push yourself further. I mean I am ready to, but are you? Let’s earn more money for this New Year’s resolution and by end of 2023, be financially free (fingers crossed) 😊.
Quality Time with The People We Love
We’re getting older and so are our parents. This year, I am going to start spending more time with my mum and my family and friends in general. This is such a big New Year goal of mine. One of the best and most uncomplicated realistic New Year’s resolutions you can make is to take time out for the people you love and care for. It could even be the easiest of things. You don’t have to spend hours, days or even a lot of money. Just some quality time listening, understanding and appreciating their importance in your life goes a long long way when it comes to making your family and friends happy. 😊
Start Understanding and Appreciating More

One of my bad habits (or shall we say one of many lol) is not understanding the other person’s point of view. This year and hopefully forever, I really want to understand and appreciate the people I care for and love. That is to understand their opinions and what they are feeling instead of imposing my views and my feelings. No two people are alike and that goes for how they process emotions too. So for me, I want to really just focus on being a better person and just loving every moment that I am alive. Because life is too short and the last thing I want to keep doing is fighting, arguing and being too much in the right (even though I’m always right lol…just joking) 😊.
Dear Misfits
I know that New Year’s can be tough and not everyone looks forward to it. but setting these really simple realistic New Year’s resolutions can be done even if you don’t want to or look forward to the year ahead. Times are difficult and frankly weird, but this blog is about us all just figuring out life and how to fit in really. How to make realistic New Year’s resolutions? By being yourself and bettering yourself. You can’t control how others behave or think. But never let that impact you and your mental state. We are all vulnerable and sometimes we all have those thoughts about whether are we good enough. But I am here to tell you that you are and to make this New Year about yourself and what you want.
So run for the things that make you happy and bring a smile to your face, instead of chasing those people that don’t care. Validate your own yourself and prioritize yourself, because trust me when I say this, you are enough.
Love you loads and loads
This article was all about realistic New Year’s resolutions for 2023