6 Ways to (Actually) Love Yourself More That You Haven’t Tried Yet
This article is all about the best 6 ways to love yourself that you haven’t tried before!
I know how hard it can be to love yourself. The negative thinking. Self-doubt, crippling anxiety and over-worrying about every possible thing makes it even harder. Sometimes, it gets unbearable. But at the end of the day, no one is going to love you more than yourself. It’s hard though to be honest. Loving yourself comes in many forms, and sometimes, the smallest of things can change the way we see ourselves.
For me, loving myself has never come as easy as it has for others most likely. I’ve always thought I am not good enough or I don’t deserve my dreams to come true. I always overthink every outcome and don’t trust people that much. It’s hard to live a life like that. And I have realized that over time. So, how to love yourself more and more each day? Sometimes, the answer is in itself. It’s in you. I have a few tips about how to love yourself in a way that no one else can. In the way that it’ll make living easier than before!! 😊
Get To Know Who You Are
All my life, I’ve never really known what I like. Who I am and what I want. I’ve always thought that other people should know me better than myself, but I was wrong. My mum always says that if you don’t love yourself, how can you expect someone else to love you? Because at the end of the day, you show others how to treat you. And if you don’t treat yourself with love and self-respect, other people won’t either!
For me, that means I have started to really focus on finding out who I am as an individual. What I like as a person. I like writing for my blog, so I focus on that. I know what I like in people and make those people my friends who I genuinely connect with. I don’t settle for anything less. And it is not about standards. It’s more about not taking the basic things as high level. I need to find myself more this year. Because once I do, I can love myself even better.
Forgive Your Past Mistakes

Do you know how to love yourself more than anyone else? It is by forgiving your past mistakes and moving on with your life. I make so many blunders throughout the day, but I never hold onto them. I have made so many mistakes (even though I’m so young yet), that I can’t even count them on one hand. But at the end of the day, I always forgive myself.
We are all learning in some way or another. We’re all trying to better ourselves. And to grow you have to make a whole lot of mistakes along the way. A few years back I never used to really forgive myself. I never used to let go of the mistakes I made. And that always held me back from reaching my full potential. But now, I forgive and take each mistake as a learning opportunity. You should too. There is no use in remembering all the mistakes you made in the past when the past is exactly that – the past!
Move On From People Who Do You No Good
One of the best ways to love yourself is to move on from people who do you no good. I know it is hard – trust me on that. But it needs to be done. I had a good friend at one point in time, and now, we no longer speak. Due to some things that happened between us, we parted ways. And that taught me a HUGE LESSON! There is no need to hold onto those that don’t bring you peace.
I learnt that with time, people grow apart. And it is the most natural thing possible.
Invest In Your Own Growth
Right now, for me growing is the most important thing in 2023. I want to excel in every part of my life. Financial freedom is such a big part of my 2023 goals and making sure that I have enough savings for a healthy future. I want to get an apartment in a nice area and to make sure that I have all the comfort I need to have a good life.

To make those goals of mine come true, I am continually investing in my own growth. You should too. To love yourself means to invest in your future, yourself, your growth and every aspect of your life. Bettering today for a better tomorrow. How to start loving yourself more comes from internal satisfaction rather than external things. And the internal satisfaction from investing in yourself is endless!! 😊
Prioritize Your Health
We often don’t prioritize our health before anything else. And that in return, doesn’t help to love yourself. The best thing to do for a healthy life and to better your connection with yourself is to really focus on your health and your health goals. That means doing more physical activity, joining a gym, eating healthy and really focusing on the physical goals that you have set out for yourself!!
I have pushed my fitness goals to the back for so long now, that I am even tired of it. The lame excuses, the I will do it tomorrow voice that runs in my head. But from now on, whatever I have planned, I am setting out to achieve those – regardless of anything else!!!! I’ve always thought about ways of how to love myself more and every time it’s always about losing weight (yes yes, I know losing weight doesn’t help with loving yourself – it’s all internal). But for me, losing weight and getting healthy has been a major goal in my life that I have been able to succeed in. From now, that’s about to change.
Put Your Mental Health First
Want to know how to have more self-love? It starts with putting your mental health first and foremost. I’ve started to think more positively, putting out positive energy and manifesting my goals into reality. That is helped loads with my mental health!
Yes, I do have those super awful days where I don’t want to get out of my damn bed. But who doesn’t? Right? We’re all battling something or the other, and for me, that is depression, anxiety and a whole lot of self-doubt. But with time, that is getting better. Because I am putting my mental health and mental well-being above everything. The last thing I need is to have a mental breakdown and to avoid that, I am focusing all my energy on my blog, my Instagram and my family and friends!!!!
Dear Misfits
I know how hard it is to love yourself – trust me I do. But the main focus in life should be learning, healing and growing. To love yourself without boundaries, doubts and negativity. It should be to love yourself with passion, compassion and kindness without any limits. Be kind and gentle with yourself at all times and never let anyone tell you that you don’t deserve any less. Nothing matters more than your own happiness.
You are amazing, loving, kind and nothing less of what you deserve. I am still learning to love myself and you will be too. Love yourself with all you have!!! 😊
Love you loads
This article was all about how to love yourself more and more each day

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