How To Do A Life Edit – Our Step-by-Step Guide To Love Your Life
This post is about how to do a life edit that’ll transform your life! Let’s all love the way we live.
Recently, I felt like nothing was in control and that a big chunk of me was not happy at all. And like many, these thoughts and feelings are common, but not many people know how to get out of these stuck feelings!
These days it has been super hard for me to come to terms with my feelings and all the emotions inside of me. I’ve been sad and depressed and have a lot of anger and regret about the things I wasn’t able to do. I always thought that at certain ages, I would have achieved at least more than I have now. Time flies past so quickly, and we don’t even realise it, to be honest. That lead to a lot of self-doubts, and I wasn’t in the right state of mind – with family, friends and even myself.
Mostly I’m the first person in my friend circle that encourages people to follow their dreams and ideas. But these past few weeks were hard. I was like what’s the point? We have so many ideas, but nothing works out, so what’s the damn point in doing them!
And that is when I picked up my first-ever self-help book! And it felt damn good tbh haha!!!!
What Is A Life Edit and What Does It Mean?
For me, a life edit means to cleanse your life entirely. I’ve always been afraid of failing (and still am), but with a life edit, you get rid of these fears and unnecessary anxiety from your life. A life edit basically means taking a deep dive into every aspect of your life and seeing what is working and what isn’t.
I read a book that said to make goals in all areas to feel more fulfilled and content when you look back. Now I won’t go into too much detail, because I am still reading the book. But I do know that changing your actions, beliefs and perspective on life is called a life edit that you need, rn!
Think of a life edit as re-evaluating life and making sure that you’re fulfilled internally at all times. The best re-evaluation process is by taking each aspect of your life, tearing it apart and putting it back together again. Only then can you find out which things you should put your main focus on and how to navigate this new chapter of your life! By slowing down, focusing on your goals and manifesting your dream life, you can get the most out of this new chapter and make sure that all your goals are being met. 😊
How To Do A Life Edit?
I’m the type of person to plan every single thing in my life and then get upset over it not working out (exactly) how I want! But, with the life edit, you really need to pause, take deep breaths and make sure you are intentionally setting out goals and planning your life.
I don’t journal, but I am taking active steps and writing down each goal in my notebook (that’s never been used haha lol). For your life edit to work, you’ve got to ensure that you are intentionally designing the life you want and are not too rigid when things don’t go according to plan.
The book that started me off on this wonderful journey is called: Failosophy: A Handbook For When Things Go Wrong and it has truly helped me in recognising that failure is nothing to be feared.
Reflect on your journey
Reflecting on your journey is an important part when it comes to doing a proper life edit! To do a life edit properly, you have got to focus on these areas of your life:
- Digital
- Home
- Social
- Finances
- Wellness
- Mental Health
Once you have that figured out, answer some questions by writing them down in your journal or notebook. The questions are:
- What do I want more from in this life?
- What can I control?
- What is frightening for me and overwhelms me?
- What do I want to introduce more of in my life?
- What makes me happier?
- Where would I want to be in the next few years?
- How would it feel to be at peace, and what would that look like for me?
Now without even thinking about these questions twice, really write down what comes to mind. I read in the book that we use our subconscious mind most times than our conscious mind. So, whatever comes to your mind when reading these questions, is the work of your subconscious and what you truly desire.
Write it all down, without thinking about writing mistakes and perfection. Write whatever comes to your mind and heart and let it all pour out to really get down to the nitty-gritty of this life edit!
Accept the process

Before going fully-fledged into this life edit guide, you’ve got to understand that this will be difficult.
It is for me as well. Give yourself credit for how far you have come on this journey and that you want to improve yourself and your life. We often don’t give ourselves enough (or at all) credit, and instead, start to self-doubt ourselves more. We need to understand that life is hard and a lot of shiiit is going to happen and hurdles are going to be in the way. But we’ve got to keep moving forward.
You have come this far, and you can go miles ahead – I believe in you, me and all of us lol!
Instead of dwelling on the past and what could have been, you should accept that you have made mistakes and look towards the future. Making it as bright as possible!
I would honestly say that accepting the process and acknowledging that this will be challenging is the most difficult part. But I also know that we are capable of anything and everything!
I would rather accept the challenge than stay stuck in a place where my heart doesn’t belong.
Focus on yourself and take every step you need
Once you have spent enough time re-evaluating your life and picking every (damn) thing apart, it is time to start on the fun one: TAKING ACTION!
Now that does not mean that you have to start on everything at all once. I mean, we’re in no rush, right? But it does mean that you have to slowly, every day, take action to lead yourself a better life and to have a better future. When it comes to your digital life edit, clear out unnecessary junk from your phone and email inbox. Make it a habit to purge everything once a week or once a month. This can really help with a positive mindset and have that long waiting task on your to-do list ticked off (so satisfying lol)! 😊
I have the most fun when I am reorganising stuff or planning (in detail) every single thing I want to achieve. It brings me a lot of hope that the future is bright lol. But I know that doing everything all at once can be overwhelming. So, start slow and steady and do a life edit for all areas of your life!
What to do once you’re done?
I honestly believe that everyone should do a life edit on a regular basis. It is absolutely your choice if you want to do your life edit on all areas of your life or just one. I want to implement this routine every three months and see where it leads me!
In these three months, I am going to start turning my thoughts into reality and you should too – manifest your dreams, baby!
If you really want to have ultimate success with this, write down all your goals and turn them into steps that you have to achieve. Acknowledge that this life edit will be hard but accept it and challenge yourself every single day. Make new goals, and hobbies and do the things that bring you joy. Focus on positive thoughts to manifesting your dream life and be kind to yourself (the main thing).
How is this life edit working for me?
Since I read the book Failosophy: A Handbook For When Things Go Wrong, it has changed my thought process. I always used to be afraid of failing and to be honest I still am. But not so much now. I mean everyone is afraid to lose right, but this book has taught me that losing is fine. You have to learn from each lesson and not expect great results – because everything takes time. I do recommend this book to everyone who is working on themselves for bettering their lives. At least read it once and pass it down – to your friends or family who need it the most!
Right now, I am focusing on re-evaluating my life and seeing where I need to CHANGE THINGS UP!! I have started to really focus on my goals and manifest and believe in the Law of Attraction.
Also, while reading, I feel more positive and less sad about what I couldn’t achieve. More focused on the future tbh. There is still a long way to go, but I know that (hopefully) these next few months will bring me good luck, because I will be working my little heart off to achieve everything, I have in my mind haha! 😊
This post was all about how to do a life edit and why it works!!