friendship breakup

How I Healed From a Friendship Breakup and How You Can Too

This post is all about friendship breakups and healing from a friendship breakup 

Friendships are important while growing up. I know this personally. Growing up I didn’t have many friends. I mean I knew a lot of people and had good communication with them, but nothing truly special. I moved to a different country with my mum, and even then, I didn’t have any friends. So, when I finally found someone who loved me for my weirdness and who I got along with, I cherished every second. 

But sometimes, what isn’t meant for us doesn’t last long. As we got more into the friendship and started to hang out more, our friendship got weaker. I know right, normally the friendship gets stronger, but for us, it was the opposite way around. Naturally, we started to communicate way less and we even argued a few times. But to me, I always thought, no matter what, we’ll get through this. Until we didn’t. And in the end, I and her are no longer friends.  

Healing takes time and below I have a few tips on healing from a friendship breakup and some friendship breakup advice (even though it sucks)! 

Feel All The Emotions 

Feel all the emotions you feel, without guilt. I know it sucks to be in such a situation, mostly because you never imagined it. You went through life thinking that you will always remain by each other’s side and have that someone who understands you the most. This exact same thought process was in my head as well. So, there is no shame in thinking like that and being ashamed of feeling your feelings. 

I honestly cried while everything was happening, so when in the end the friendship did truly lose value, I didn’t cry as much as I thought I would have. But just because that happened to me, doesn’t mean it will happen to you. You might cry going through the friendship breakup, or afterwards. Getting over a friendship breakup is hard but healing after the breakup is needed and feeling your feelings and all the emotions that come with it – is your absolute right!! 

Acknowledge The Friendship 

There is no point in not thinking about the friend you lost or trying to forget the memories you had. Each friendship teaches you a lesson and just because you don’t know her or him anymore, doesn’t mean that you should vanish all the memories that were made. Sometimes, those times made you into the person you are today! 😊  

So, acknowledge the friendship and always hold the value to it too. With me, I remember the memories and I have no shame in discussing the time I had to with close people. As with that friendship and those memories, I truly learned a lot.  

Take Your Time  

Take your time to heal from the friendship breakup. Don’t put a time limit on your feelings and when you should start to feel normal. As with anything, it takes time to fully understand what you are going through. Even though to some, losing a friend isn’t a big thing, to you and to me it was and will be.  

It might take a few days to process your emotions or weeks. It could even take a few months. But remember, that in the end, you will come out stronger. With me, it took me a few weeks to get over the realisation that our friendship was beyond repair and then it took another few weeks to realise that we are no longer friends anymore. So, yeah, I know it hurts and you don’t want it to take so much time. But there is no shame in it, just keep powering through.  

Write It All Down 

Write all your feelings down. Honestly, writing this has helped me as well. I never wrote what I felt when those difficult times were happening. I was just processing it all in my mind and talking with others about how I felt. But, writing this is helping me even now. So, writing will help to collect your thoughts and put them down on pen to paper. So, you know that your emotions are real and it will help in healing and moving on from this to become a better person and friend too! 

Try A New Friend Circle 

Trying a new friend circle can actually help. When my friendship broke up, I was honestly devasted, but afterwards, I found a new friend circle that I truly love. This has helped me to heal more. I will never forget the moments I had and the memories, but now I can make more special memories and share a better life and have a more secure communication with my other friends. This will truly help. 

I know that because of the friendship breakup, you might be feeling insecure or are having trust issues. But, making new friends can overcome this barrier and help with letting go of the guilt and worries. So, it is a win-win situation for all! 😊 

Remember Nothing Lasts Forever 

Friendship breakup

I know we all say friends forever, or BFFs and all. But honestly, nothing is forever. Once life gets busier and more things happen, communication becomes less. It shouldn’t be this way, but it is. Most of the time anyway. 

So, even if you are feeling like you have outgrown the friends you have or want to do more with your life and want to explore. Do so. Never stay behind because you don’t want to lose your friends. Always remember that sometimes, moving forward is the better option and this can help with living your life to the fullest too.  


Writing this has helped me too. So, yay for that. Lol.  

I just wanted to say that friends are important. They are. But always pick the ones that bring you positivity. Writing this I realised that when my friendship was going sour, I was the only one making the most effort to bring it back to life. There was absolutely no effort from the other side. Which sucks! 

But it helped me to know that next time, if I am the only one putting in the effort, then I meant not as much to them as they did to me. Never forget how you feel or what you want. Never sacrifice. Always put your happiness first. As you are your main PRIORITY!

Friendship breakups suck and they are the worst. But I hope these tips allow you to move on. Heal and be free! 

Love you  


This post was all about friendship breakups and friendship breakup advice.  

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