Why Feeling Sad Is Okay and How To Cope
This post is all about why feeling sad is okay and how to cope with constant sadness!
These days I am not doing so well, I’m feeling sad constantly, and there isn’t a specific reason – it’s like everything is on top of me, and I can’t get out of it. You know, there’s no shame in it. Being sad I mean. We always can’t be so happy and chirpy and our positive selves – it’s impossible!!
Most people are always so sad, but humans tend to cover it up so others 1) don’t judge or 2) ask why we’re so sad (when we have no clue ourselves, to be honest)! It is okay to feel sad (honestly, while writing this, I am dealing with being sad for days), and you do not have to justify it.
Here are some tips that will help to pinpoint why you’re feeling sad and how to cope with it
1. Ask yourself why do I feel so low and sad
More often than not, we feel sad not knowing why (but deep down, somewhere we know what the main reason is). It could be the smallest of things that someone has said or something that isn’t going the way you planned in life. For me, everything has just piled on – my sudden sadness is because a lot of things (to me) feel like it’s not working out the way I planned.
My blog traffic isn’t increasing as I thought (it’s hard running a blog because of all the expectations and then reality kicks in, and you feel like why are you even trying)? and then it’s the fact that my birthday is coming next month!
So, you’ve really got to understand why you are feeling down and why the sadness isn’t going. Once you figure that out, it will become easier to get out of it and make a plan on how to correct all the things that are not working (or just taking a bit too long)!
2. Stop feeling sad about feeling sad
It’s hard not to get overwhelmed with what you’re going through (trust me on that), but it is okay. Sometimes it is absolutely normal to feel sad and lonely. Feeling sad and overwhelmed can happen when you least expect it and it’s fine. As long as you’re dealing with it slowly and trying to come out of it. But know that feeling sad all the time isn’t good and if you need to, you should talk to someone about it – a therapist, friend or a loved one.
3. Open up about your feelings of sadness to someone
We all need someone to help us at times, life’s tough man. But you know, opening up to someone can really help with dealing with the feeling of sadness. These days I’m feeling sad even though I know deep down, everything will work out, I still feel hopeless. But I have friends that I can talk to. I do want to take up therapy and start going, but I need to find the time, to be honest as my schedule is hectic and I am focusing on a lot of things – multitasking!!
4. Cry it out
Are you feeling sad? Cry it all out. Sometimes it’s because we have bottled our emotions up so much that feeling low afterwards is a common effect. I feel sad so much since this last weekend, and crying has helped (although I’ve cried in intervals, haha). I know it might be uncomfortable thinking about our emotions and getting overwhelmed really quickly, but embracing them and crying them out can actually relieve feeling sad and help with moving past and building a connection with yourself. The better you understand your emotions, the more of a grip you have on them. I am a super emotional person so for me, crying is a no-brainer lol.
5. Listen to energetic songs to lift your vibe
I love a sad song playlist, but if you’re already feeling sad it might not be the ideal choice. Sometimes changing up your mood with songs can really help. Listen to some energetic music that lifts you instead of bringing your energy low. Everyone’s taste in music is different but if you are constantly sad these days, it’s best to listen to some songs that’ll make you feel better about yourself, and your situation and play some upbeat music and dance tbh!
6. Stop having expectations about everything (and everyone)
You may think you’re feeling sad for no reason but really, it’s just things haven’t met your expectations. We always put expectations on everything (and everyone) and then get hurt and sad in the process. Stop having expectations and set the bar really low on things that are out of your control.
I often feel blue and down because when things don’t work out accordingly, I blame myself (which is harmful to your self-esteem, self-worth and general mental health)! So instead of expecting things from people or yourself even, try not to and set the bar low. So, when things work out, you’ll be happy and it will be unexpected at least.
7. Find your happiness

We can’t always be happy, can we? But we can’t always be sad! Find the things that make you happy and laugh. Lol, it even comes to a point were feeling sad isn’t even good enough. So instead of dwelling on the sadness and hurt you’re feeling, find the joys in life and find an activity that you love to do. Make friends that make you laugh and be the goofy self that you are!
I love writing for this blog, to be honest, but I feel depressed when I don’t see the numbers going up or the fact that it’s not growing how quickly I thought it would. But I still am happy when I am writing for this blog because I am trying at least (and if it doesn’t work out, then I won’t have regrets).
8. Reach out and talk to someone
Talking to someone can do us all the world of good, to be honest. I know it can be hard to tell someone your feelings or how you feel because it’s embarrassing when you don’t have an explanation of why you’re feeling sad and lonely. But talking to someone and reaching out can help to deal with those emotions and not make you feel so lonely.
9. Move and heal
I know it’s not as easy as people say (trust me). But moving on and healing is the best bet in making your sadness go away and bringing out that light that you are. I am always such a happy and bubbly person; my personality is just like that (a super heightened extrovert haha).
But when I am feeling sad, I become so low on energy and the type of person that you don’t want around. I need to learn how to heal and move on from the past and look towards the future (because I know it’s bright on the other side). Healing takes time, and moving on takes a lot of steps of self-acknowledgement, but one day, you’ll get there and be in a more happy and more content place – personally and professionally.
10. Get outside and enjoy
A lot of times we don’t know how to stop feeling sad because it seems like the sadness is never-ending. But the smallest of things (going outside and enjoying life) is all we need. It’s my mum’s birthday tomorrow and we will be going out and celebrating. So, I know deep down, that will cheer me up a little bit at least. If you’re constantly feeling sad, get outside, take a walk, do an activity or go out and eat some delicious food haha. It can help when you spend some time with yourself in nature!
11. Keep putting the effort in
Being sad is normal and happens. But you’ve got to put the effort in every single day to get out of this hopelessness and depression that you’re feeling. That could be by talking to someone (a professional if things get worse) or just by taking small actions and working towards the bigger things you want to achieve in life. I am feeling sad because I feel like all my efforts are going to waste, but I am still writing for this blog and showing up. Constantly thinking about what next to do to grow the blog and how to make it work. So, you’ve got to put the effort in and put your best foot forward, to make the life you want and deserve to live!
12. Take some time to rest
I’ve taken a few days off from work and all I am going to do is rest and really think about what’s next. My sadness is mostly because I feel like I haven’t achieved anything in life (I know we all feel like that) and it sucks. Take a few days off and work on yourself. Make a plan on how to achieve all the goals you’ve planned and the dreams you want. Re-evaluate your situation and see what needs improving. We have nine months left till the end of this year, so let’s make it count!
Dear Misfits
I know how hard feeling sad can be, trust me I know. I’m currently going through it and I am trying to pull myself out. It feels like one thing after another is failing and there’s no hope that things will turn their tide and be on your side. But we’ve got to believe in ourselves and really learn the power we have in ourselves. Manifest the heck out of what you want! Learn to feel your emotions and know that feeling sad is normal and not shameful. Talk to someone about it and trust the process. Cry, learn, grow and heal! Love who you are!
This post was all about why feeling sad is okay and how to cope and heal!