How To Change Your Fall Routine For Productivity
Lifestyle,  Wellness

How To Change Your Fall Routine For Productivity

This article is about changing your fall routine for a productive life

Okay, so I’m the first to admit the fact that I hate change. Like absolutely hate it. And especially when the weather changes, I naturally get upset. The daunting feeling that the year is coming to an end and I have not exactly achieved the goals that I set out before. It’s like I’m in a limbo state and then in my head all of the pressure starts to build up – about the upcoming winter months and the fact I might become depressed because the new year is looming closer now.

I’m not really a big fan of change nor the weather change because my allergies start to peak, especially my breathing problems. But that does not mean I want to spend the entire fall time in a depressive state and not do anything productive to say the least. My fall routine needs to change and so does yours!! 😊

It’s important to have change and I know first hand how difficult it can become. Change is something we can’t avoid though, and to be very very honest, we shouldn’t avoid it. I mean it’s good for us to actually focus on something that can help elevate us. Am I right or am I right? So, be productive for the fall is so much better than being depressed and sad! The best daily routine for healthy life starts right now, with this much needed routine for fall!!

Gain A Fresh Perspective in This Transitioning Time

How To Change Your Fall Routine For Productivity

Fresh mindset and an epic transitioning fall wardrobe can help overcome the fears! Why wait for the new year to make changes and get a new year’s resolution going? With only a handful of months left till the end of the year, now is the time to make changes. So, what is the right fall routine? Well, it all starts with a fresh perspective of life and changing up the stagnant things that haven’t been going so great lately.

Revamp Your Self-Care

Sometimes you start to get into a rut and for me that is one of the most dreadful things to come true. So, when that happens, the right thing for me to do is to revamp my already set self-care routine. Change a few rituals and take time out to get to explore more things that I love to do.

For me, that means that if I’m not really focusing on more “me time”, I will take the time out conscious and make myself present in the moment. Or sometimes it can be even the smallest thing which is picking up the phone and talking to my friends, video or voice call or even my favourite person on this earth – my adorable sweet nan.

Rest A Lot More

I am the one human out of my group of people who loves to sleep and can actually sleep the most. Like I can sleep for hours and hours and hours and even then I still feel tired.

I know, it is not the ideal lifestyle you should be living, but hey, I love sleep so much. But if you are not like me and cant seem to find the time for rest, you should be.

How To Change Your Fall Routine For Productivity

Resting and sleeping allows us the opportunity to develop and go about our week or day with a fresh mind. Sleeping is always a lovely thing, because it can be a form of self-love and plus, it gives you a break from the other problems. So, just keep focusing on resting and keep yourself relaxed, that small thing can set you up for the best fall routine of your life!!!

Spice Things Up

Fall isn’t the season just to be spicing up your tastebuds. I mean a little sprucing up your life can actually enhance your productivity and mental framework. I am the one person who loves to try something new, even if it goes against my stubborn personality (I mean, I am a Taurus after all).

The smallest things can actually be the best when it comes to spicing things up that otherwise have become boring. For me that looks like trying new restaurants, because I’m a big foodie or talking to strangers on listening to their life stories. Whatever it is, spicing things up, in the bedroom and outside is no doubt the best thing you can do to have an epic routine for fall that will last a long time and give you good habits in return.

Be Mindful About Your Life

How To Change Your Fall Routine For Productivity

The one thing we all do, including me, is being less mindful about the things we have achieved. In fact, we are so distant from that, we tend to focus and put all our energy on what is not going right or what we are not being able to gain. Instead of putting out that negativity we should be grateful and optimistic about the future.

Being mindful isn’t always about saying thank you to every moment, it can be the smallest of things. For me, being mindful is more about taking the time out to manifest my goals at the end of the night and reflect on what I have achieved and how far I have come. That allows me to block out the negativity and self-doubt that cripples me at times. Being mindful can take the shape of many forms.

  • Journaling
  • Manifesting
  • Meditation and Yoga
  • Live In the Moment
  • Focus
  • Pay Attention

Dear Misfits

Trust me when I say this, a bit of change can do us all some good. Not only does getting stuck in a monotonous routine make our lives more difficult, but it can also become hazardous for our mental health. I for one, know that doing the same old every single day can lead to a load of depression, anxiety and future development problems. I still, till this day, suffer from anxiety and depression.

But this can be the time to change up your fall routine and work on being more productive than before. The best daily routine for success starts with change and spicing up your boring life (sorry to say).

Just be patient with yourself and stop wanting to rush into all things. I know life gets us down and becomes worrisome when things don’t exactly go your way. But that is when you take the time out to focus on what means the more to you and pay attention to setting up the best routine for fall to get the most amazing habits. Why wait for the new year when you can start from now!!


Confused Misfit

This article is about changing your fall routine for a productive life


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