budget friendly date night ideas

10 Budget Friendly Date Ideas For The Perfect Date Night

Misfits: Dating is something people need to do more often. Turn our phones off, get away from the screens and get to know each other. Romance and intoxicating love that grasps onto each and every bone in your body (okay… I know, a bit too much)!  But we need to have at least some kind of deep connection with people, who we truly adore. But dating can be expensive and you don’t want to go broke trying to plan the perfect date. I have put together my favourite budget friendly date night ideas. From a romantic date night to a casual date night outing, there’s something for everyone!

Date Night Cooking Session

couples cooking date night ideas budget friendly

Cooking can be fun, especially if you’re doing it with the person, you’re in love with. Cook something special for one another. Make dinner and let him make dessert. While cooking, talk about the things you want to do together and what you want to achieve. Not all talks have to be serious and some can be light-hearted and fun. 

Especially in the early days of the dating world. Have fun and make sure you’re interested in each other. Don’t worry if you’re not a good cook, (or he’s terrible), it will be memorable and you’ll both laugh about it in the future. Sometimes dates don’t always have to be wine and dine, these fun moments are the ones to remember for a lifetime. 

Write Letters Of Love

Writing letters to each other and reading them out loud is so romantic (I’m starting to blush)! Sometimes for us women, it’s hard to express our emotions into speech, but writing them down can be a hell of a way to express them. Making it sound more sexy! Write your significant other letters and either read them out loud to them or let them do it for themselves. 

Put your own spin on each letter, leave a little kiss mark behind with his/her favourite lipstick shade on! Make it spicy and use your imagination, while also expressing your emotions and feelings that sometimes can go unheard. (If he/she ever tries to break up with you, it’s an easy way to lure them back, hehehehe)

Picnics Can Help With Attachments

Being outdoors and eating food doesn’t have to be expensive, it can be the opposite instead. Make sandwiches, drinks and snacks that will last while you have an endless romantic conversation. Pinterest is a major source of inspiration when it comes to cooking and cute date night ideas for each other. This could even be used as a first date night idea because it’s casual, romantic and fun at the same time. Something all of us want and MORE! Have the best backyard picnic for your date night.

Board Games and Pizza

Play and have fun! There’s always going to be fun when there’s competition involved. It’s also a good romantic date night idea because you can spice it up (however you like – wink, wink). Order in a pizza and enjoy each other’s company while you play whatever board game you like. Solve a puzzle or play another board game that takes hours to finish. Make it go into the next day, at least you’ll have an excuse to see each other again!

Have Your Special Spot (Your Love Nest)

Every couple has their favourite special music or their special spot. Something that reminds them of each other and how far they have come in their relationship. Make a special spot and visit it every so often, reminiscing about each other (and possibly fighting over who said I love you first… hahahaha). Make it fun and enjoy, while you eat food and drink! 

Take A Date Trip and Take Photos

We often forget to do the things we want in life because we’re so wrapped up in everything around us. But you don’t have to do it alone. You can take your significant other with you, which will make it even more fun and enjoyable. Take a trip to a different city or a country and make it a wild one! Take photos and frame them, keeping them in your house as a reminder of your love. If you can’t afford a trip outside the country, go to a different city. Or even take a romantic road drive with your partner, something that both of you won’t forget. (Just don’t forget to fill the tank, otherwise, you’ll be stranded in the middle of nowhere)!

Virtual Concert or Museum 

Obviously, we’re in the middle of a pandemic and it takes a toll on everyone’s dating life. But it doesn’t have to be yours. During this pandemic, you can find creative ways to still spend time together and enjoy each other’s company. Virtual concerts and museum shows can happen, where both of you are watching the same thing, even from a distance. This is one of the best social distancing date night idea to keep the spark alive and have a happy date night even during this pandemic. 

Watch A Movie Together (Social Distancing in The Pandemic Era)

You can always watch a movie together (yes even in this pandemic), online and through screen sharing. It’s a nice way to connect and still be able to do normal couple events, even from afar. Share your screen, eat popcorn and cry at the sad moments, but laugh through the funny ones. Date night ideas in quarantine can be hard, but never let it take away the feelings that you have for each other. Be present and live through every moment, during this pandemic, it’s more essential to do so! 

Bucket List For All The Adventures You Want

Create a bucket list together, for all the adventures you want to do and sites you want to see. Plan each and every detail and make sure you both agree on what to see, and when to see it (I know, it can be hard). Bucket lists help to realise what you want in life and what you want to achieve, making it more special with the person you love. Creating one can be the best thing to do in your relationship and you both will get to make memories that’ll last a lifetime and more. 

Sleep Under The Stars

You see it in the movies all the time, so why not make it happen for your relationship. Find a place to stargaze and look at the stars, while holding each other close and falling asleep in each other’s arms. It’s romantic and a budget friendly date night option. Take snacks, drink wine, and eat cheese while you both look lovingly into each other’s eyes! (What, I can help it, I’m a romantic at heart)! Stargazing is the perfect date night idea for a budget friendly option. 

Final Words

Dating is hard and for some, it’s harder than most. But never let that stop you from finding the right person. Have fun with it, and when the time is right, you’ll watch all the moments go by with ease. Don’t fuss too much about spending money on luxury items and eating from top-notch restaurants. Budget friendly date night ideas can be the best option for a perfect date night. Even in quarantine, you can have the best social distancing date night, one that’ll go down in the memory books! 

Be you and be unique, wherever you go and whomever you meet. Let your uniqueness and individual self shine through, trust me, your significant other will appreciate it and love you more for it! Find your other half, one that makes you better at what you do and that’ll love you till the end of time. (Wipe out the tissue box, because I’m already crying). Also, improving your life will automatically improve your dating. Being internally happy will reflect on your relationship and please your partner mentally.


Confused Misfit



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